unban me now

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by mumu871, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. mumu871

    mumu871 New Member

    i got banned for my profile picture which is not porn and steam support has no problem with it

    they just banned me for being honest and speaking my mind and your community is filled with bullies and mean people

    Your In Game Nickname:unnamed
    Your Steam ID:confused:TEAM_0:0:51643927
    Which Server:WEST

    and its not porn and steam has 0 problem with my picture
  2. HandsOfJustice

    HandsOfJustice The Harpoon Prince VIP

    Hello, mumu!

    Please follow the proper format for appeals as seen here: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1060
    Just edit the post, do not make another, please.

    I do not see anyone on the banlist by the name of :"mumu871"
    The Staff member who banned you will reply soon.
  3. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    You were banned for your 4th offense of a Porn Spray/Avatar by Black Rabbit as well as having an existing ban on you from East by Epsilon [Nope Trash].

    This is actually the very same avatar you were banned for the past 3 times, and on your last appeal you agreed to change it. You were told before that this avatar is considered porn on our servers and therefore is not allowed due to the showing of certain body parts. If you were punished for the same thing before, you can't expect to keep it and have a different result.
  4. mumu871

    mumu871 New Member

    i didnt change it because i never got appealed and steam support says my picture is fine and its NOT PORN
  5. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    Also, in the past, Porn pics/sprays have been defined here as anything that can cause arousal and/or shows breasts or, well, buttcheeks.
  6. mumu871

    mumu871 New Member

    okay appeal me so i can remove it
  7. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    Porn is a term that can be interpreted in different ways.

    On this server, your avatar is considered porn. This is not going to change after the fourth time you've been banned for it. We don't allow this type of spray/avatar on our servers and if you're spotted with it, you'll face the same line of consequences anyone else with this sort of spray/avatar would.
  8. mumu871

    mumu871 New Member

    okay unban me i get it unban me
  9. Black Rabbit

    Black Rabbit I'm a Villain! VIP

    Hi Unnamed,

    I gave you two rounds to change it, and multiple warnings as for it and you would not cooperate. I'm sorry but in my personal opinion I say this should be denied. I'll let megatron choose the outcome though as he added the global.
  10. mumu871

    mumu871 New Member

    black i was asking you if i should change it still because its not porn

    and i kept saying black black black so you didnt answer me

    unban and i will change np
  11. Black Rabbit

    Black Rabbit I'm a Villain! VIP

    I told you multiple times and your response was "Its not porn" and such. I told you to change it via voice chat and text chat and you responded with its not porn, upon giving you a warning to change it by the end of the round. Chii is a witness to this.
  12. mumu871

    mumu871 New Member

    chii doesnt like me ofcs she will vote against me

    and i was about to change it after the map changed because we were in the middle of rounds
  13. megaboy

    megaboy I got this game for Fathers day VIP

    This appeal is Denied. You've been banned multiple times to change your profile picture which is porn. It's not the fact that steam has a problem with it, it's the Server Rules you should appeal to. If a staff member tells you to change your profile picture, you must do it. Also, if you were gonna change it why did you reply with "It's not porn"? You could have replied with a yes or okay then you wouldn't banned for Porn spray/picture.
  14. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    You can change the profile photo even when you're NOT in the game itself. When you're in Garry's Mod, you can change the spray also when you're not playing on the servers.

    Next, Chii is a Trial Moderator (and soon to be member of the Staff) and as a member of the staff, you give your most UNBIASED opinion of the player in question based on his/her actions.

    If a staff member has warned you countless times to change your profile photo and/or porn spray, then you change the either of the following and then play the game. You don't delay saying that you'll do it at the next map change, you do it NOW.

    Finally, this is your report and the moderators and McMuffin are explaining why you were banned and for the past two comments from other moderators, you've just been saying comments like "okay unban me i get it unban me" and "unban and i will change np". You need to accept the criticism and not say little comments like that. You accept the mistakes and then show a more mature face to the community.
  15. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Banned 3 times for the same avatar beforehand and you still haven't learned your lesson, apparently. I think the ban should stay. We don't care what Steam Support says. Our server rules may define porn differently than Steam, thus you should follow our server rules even if Steam Support says it's an okay avatar.
  16. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    You will not be unbanned, considering you broke the rules of the server. Sure, Steam may be fine with it, but with such a large community, Steam isn't going to worry about one person's avatar; meaning that they aren't watching for that, specifically. However, our server rules are different from those of other servers and the Steam community. If you were asked to change your avatar by a staff member of our community, you should do so.

    Feel free to play on our other servers until your ban expires, but please change your profile picture.

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