Denied Tyler Ruby's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Tyler Ruby, Aug 31, 2015.

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  1. Tyler Ruby

    Tyler Ruby Banned

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Honestly, my bans where and still are fair. Beard banned my account for hacking, im not going to lie, i was using scripts for aim and bhop, and as i told him on steam, i apologize, i always used them on that account and when i joined serious was no different. I played on serious the first day planning to be banned, i was going around getting banned from servers and hacking because i was bored, but after playing for awhile i didn't toggle in the way i normally do to get inst banned, instead i toggled down because i liked the server. Serious is the first Community iv been to on gmod that actually was enjoyable to play on, i liked playing with most people on the servers, i had some disputes about certain calls made on rdm but its ttt, that happens some times, its whatever, the point is i loved the server and the community. I actually donated, which this is one of only 2 communities iv ever donated to, becasue it was that enjoyable to play on. why did i hack then? because im an idiot and forgot to remove the files... yep well like i said, he was fair, banned me the way i should have been, i agree. I tried to talk to him on steam, not asking for unban but to explain that i didnt mean any disrespect to him, the staff, or the server by hacking, thats simply how i kept myself entertained while on gmod most of the time because the servers where dull or full of children, unlike serious. that was my fuck up, should have turned them off a few days ago, but i didnt, and was banned fairly for that.
    Also Blue banned my Legit account, (the one i dont have hacks injected into) for coming on after banned by beard, i agree with the ban but not the reason.. I wasnt Evading my ban by coming on the server on another account, or atleast thats not how i meant it, i came on the server on my legit account because all i wanted was to hangout with you guys and be able to play with you guys since 98% of the rest of gmod servers/ Communities suck compared to serious... i never intended to me malicious or a pain to staff/ the server, i shouldnt have left the hacks injected or i should have switched accounts sooner and just became a donator on that account instead. im sorry i did what i did, i understand my punishment and it is fair from both admins. i just want another chance to be part of an awesome community on gmod and i feel like i fucked it up and was hoping second chances exist because i would love to be a a part of serious and the community you guys have.
    Thank you for reading this if nothing else.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I was not innocent, i was stupid and made stupider mistakes, i just hope for a second chance to make it right.​
  2. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    You were banned by @BlueCore for ban evasion. He will respond when he can.
  3. Tyler Ruby

    Tyler Ruby Banned

    i completely understand and its here whenever he gets free time, ill be here either way :)
  4. Guthry

    Guthry Silver Supporter

    I apologize again, however in my confusion i made a new account, the situation was handle and sorted out so this is my one and only forum account now.

    Note from BmTron
    *Player has switched over to his one forum account now and will continue the appeal from Guthry. Allow him to respond from that account, and not Tyler Ruby
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2015
  5. Guthry

    Guthry Silver Supporter

    The main ban here was by @Beard Core for hacking, which like i said, i do not deny or argue that in any way and he was in the right, im just looking for a second chance to prove thats not who i am and that i made a mistake.
  6. Guthry

    Guthry Silver Supporter

    @BlueCore if you need anything better explained, feel free to start a conversation with me, whatever ruling you make i will understand but i feel like i could better explain myself, my actions and this appeal where done in haste due to panic from being banned and i would like to explain myself if you will give me the chance. If you would prefer to make your ruling on what is here and what you saw, i completely understand and will not argue it. I appreciate your consideration and will be waiting for your ruling whenever you decide to make it, no rush. :)
  7. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Hello Guthry,

    Thank you for taking the time to make an Appeal here on the forums. As you are already aware, I have Banned you on three separate Accounts for Ban Evasion. This was given after you came back onto the servers only moments after receiving a 4 Week Global Ban for Hacking from a different account. The three accounts that you have been Banned on are as follows;


    Before going into detail about the Hacking Offence and discussion on the Ban Length itself, I would first like to explain to you what exactly Ban Evasion is. In your original post, you wrote that you do not believe that Banning you on your primary account for Ban Evading was reasonable as you did not indeed to do that. I need to inform you that Ban Evading is exactly what you have written in your statement, as Ban Evading means avoiding a current Ban by using another method of playing on our servers; this method that you have used is to swap to another account and play on there instead. This is considered Ban Evasion, and as such is why I Banned your primarily account, the account that you were originally Banned for Hacking on, and one other account that I've found in your name for Ban Evasion.

    I would like to thank you however, for being so honest and admitting to use Hacks whilst playing on our servers. Since you have admitted to it all, in both this Appeal and privately to Beard Core, I do not see reason for myself or Beard Core to upload evidence against you on it. However, there is something that I need to bring up. After looking through your three accounts I found that one of the other accounts had another Hacking, 1st Offence Ban of the length of 8 Weeks; which was given to you approximately 2 months ago. Given that you now have two separate accounts with us that have been Banned for Hacking, I don't know how much I can trust you and your statements that you will not use Hacks again or on your primary account. I want to, but it is extremely difficult to.

    However, you did admit to your Offences, and confess to all of the mistakes that you have made. That shows me some honesty, and is something that I do admire. In addition, other than the Hacking and Ban Evasion offences, you otherwise seem like a friendly and loyal player. I cannot Unban any of your accounts, nor VOID them, because you have committed several serious Offences. But, I will gladly shorten the length of your Bans from Six Months to Three. Yes, it means you still will not be able to play on our servers for 12 weeks, but that's better than 26 weeks as it stands currently.

    I know you want to play on our servers again, and soon, but given the seriousness of these Offences I cannot do any more than half the time of your punishment. I hope you can understand my reasoning. But I hope to see you on the servers again in 12 Weeks, Hacks-free, and having fun.

    See you then, Guthry. If you have any questions or would like to talk to me I will leave this Appeal Open for two days for you to do so.

    Appeal: Shortened, but Denied
    Topic: Locked
  8. Guthry

    Guthry Silver Supporter

    Thank you for everything @BlueCore, i appreciate your understanding in the matter and the shortening of my ban, and all i can say is i cant wait for another chance to play with you guys when my ban is up. :)

    P.S: i forgot the third acccount listed (STEAM_0:1:56238849) even existed, yes it is mine, yes i did hack on it, and yes i probably came on serious, however that was before all of this, yesterday after i was banned for hacking, i did overreact alittle and made it worse by joining on the second account, dumb decision as all it did was make my ban long, but that was it, after that account was banned i came straight to the forums for the appeal chance, STEAM_0:1:56238849 was never actually used in the evasion of my ban, only as a troll account months ago before i knew you guys.

    Anyway, Again, I appreciate your decision blue and the opportunity to come back sooner then originally banned for.
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