Approved twistys23's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by twistys23, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. twistys23

    twistys23 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I got banned for the reason ghosting.

    This is how it started a player killed someone in dolls on the top (The guy is innocent) and without even unidentifying it he somehow knew he was a t (never pulled out a t weapon) so after 5 mins of saying he proven (still never unidentified it) I messaged him saying "did you know he was innocent" Which he wasn't then next round I got banned for ghosting
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. ant.

    ant. I'm not your da da VIP Silver

    You were banned by @Change-up , he will respond at his earliest convenience.
  3. My Dime Is Up

    My Dime Is Up Its my dime to code VIP

    Hi, hope your day is going well
    @Change-up banned you for Ghosting First Offense. I was the one who provided him evidence of ghosting. You PM me after I killed a T. His body was in an UNID able spot. You the proceeded to PM me saying he was not the T even though he was (After i checked his body when I died) You still ghosted and some type of way. Here is the photo I provided @Change-up We will wait to see how @Change-up handles this.

    This is where the body landed. Between the bed and the wall. So there was no way of ID it. He pulled a harpoon out.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  4. twistys23

    twistys23 New Member

    that's not in game information he was never innocent he was a traitor but it look like you were ghosting for some reason you 100% knew that he was a trator and never unidentified the body so I wanted to send you the message and see your reaction since you knew that he was a tratior after kill you never unidentfyed it but you just knew that he was a t what if he was an innocent and had a harpoon but you just killed him never unidentified it and just knew 100% he was a traitor what looks suspicious to ghosting
  5. My Dime Is Up

    My Dime Is Up Its my dime to code VIP

    You seem to be changing your story up. In the photo, it clearly states that you PM me saying "Funny thing, he wasn't the t" now you're saying "that's not in the game information, he was never innocent he was a traitor"

    He also has had his harpoon out when he was ontop of the ledge by the shelf of books. If he was inno, he would be traitor baiting but he was a T. I had clear evidence he was a T. If you don't have evidence for this part. This part would be invalid and it would be word vs word

    Tagging Change-Up admin @ThatBox for his verdict on this too.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
  6. Change-up

    Change-up "Change is coming" VIP

    Hello, Twistys23!

    Thank you for making this appeal, I'll help clear things up for you!

    As you can see in the picture Unrecognized Gamer has provided for us, you private messaged him and gave him information he was not aware of.

    After talking to Unrecognized Gamer as well as you, I deemed it as ghosting and banned you under protocol

    The reason why it was ghosting was because you gave a player information about the game that they were not aware of, whether it was true or false information. By telling him this, you were purposely trying to mislead him. I have also discussed this with you on Steam. Thank you for making this appeal!

    I will be tagging my admin, @ThatBox, to see what he decides the verdict of this report is.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2014
  7. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    This is ghosting, but it is not such ghosting that should warrant a ban like this.

    I will approve this appeal as the ghosting is minor and really didn't affect the game at all. To you twisty, I recommend you refrain from making comments like this in the future. The ban will be removed but not voided.

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