Denied Turtle Soup's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Turtle Soup, Apr 26, 2015.

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  1. Turtle Soup

    Turtle Soup New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Turtle Soup
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:

    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned for 24 hours for RDM, but it was only two people, they were both accidents, and i was willing to take the slays. I accidentally pushed two guys off a cliff with a riot sheild that were blocking me, just trying to get them out of the way.I do not know why i was banned instead of slain and warned, but it happened, and i would like to be permitted onto your amazing server again.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Hello Turtle Soup! I wanted to thank you for taking some time to Appeal.

    I had banned you for RDM with Admin Discretion after two kills with the Riot Shield as a Detective on the map. You had killed two people, One was an Innocent, the other was a Traitor. I was on at the time with @Aco Taco who I was training.


    I understood the first time using the shield and killing someone off the edge of the map. But you copy and pasted your same response. 'I didn't know'. When infact, you did know because you did it a second time. This was intentional to me. I asked @Salisian for Discretion for a 24 hour Ban due to the fact that this happened twice on the same round.

    I will tag my admin, @TheCoCoFTW and @Salisian who approved the extention.

    Note, you are also only banned on one of the servers, you can play on any of our other four servers.
  3. I was one of the people he killed. I spectated him and saw him kill the second person. He seemed to be testing out the Riot Shield because he didn't know its range. I was closer to the edge the first time and was blocking him. The second guy was much farther from the edge. Turtle had no way of knowing the full range of the Riot Shield if he'd never used it before. I think a 24 hour ban is harsh for someone who's using a particular weapon for the first time ever.
  4. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    @Rastaman Vibrations that is like excusing a mass RDMer because he wanted to test the Ak out. Appeal Denied. Feel free to play on one of our other 4 servers, while you wait out the ban.
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