ttt_westwood map

Discussion in 'Maps' started by Preacher, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. Preacher

    Preacher Member

    I played countless hours of CS 1.6 and CSS on de_westwood. So its natural that I went to see if it was a TTT map. ;)

    Im happy to report it is. I would be stoked to put more hours on this map, and from the look of it, the guy who re made it for TTT added a subsection to make things even more interesting for TTT. There is numerous back alleys for T's to do their dirty work, plant trip mines, and a whole mess of other actions. I would love it if you guys would add this map to the servers. I see people recommending jihad sounds but hardly anyone requests maps. I think you guys would find this map as fun as I have for years.

    A link to the map download in steam community. ... =104520719

  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    This map was actually implemented when I first started playing on the server, but there was a forum vote and it was removed.
  3. This was one of my favorite maps when I first joined the server! I want it back! +1
  4. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    This was also one of my favorite maps as well.
  5. The The Law's favorite maps are the maps that the community likes like Slender and Amynis and Westwood

  6. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

  7. But that was a long time ago D:
  8. omgtin

    omgtin VIP

    I really hate this map -1
  9. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    The tunnels really ruined it for me. -1
  10. DeathShot

    DeathShot VIP

    I remember having this map. too easy for T's to sit in the dark and pick people off. -1
  11. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    -1 I really despised this map
  12. Preacher

    Preacher Member

    Sorry guys, I had no idea this map used to be around, had I known I wouldn't have suggested it. Guess thats what a search of the forums would be for. Ill look around and see if I find any other maps that would be a great addition.