
Discussion in 'Maps' started by TastyTuna3[RK](Music), Mar 29, 2014.

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  1. Fool

    Fool VIP

    I remember this map. I like it, but it seems too large imo.
  2. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a large size map if it is the right fit for the community. I know maps like dolls are fairly large, but that is vertical height and doesn't leave much room for getting away with things. A map similiar to this one would be nice because it has a decent size and plenty of ways to escape/hide from any pursuers. Sure, the rounds might end up getting drawn out or take longer than desired, but I feel that some rounds go too quickly if multiple people buy traitor and we end up getting like 10 or more traitors in one round and that larger maps will help make it a bit more fun for rounds such as these.
  3. Chii

    Chii Seriously a Baka VIP

    this seems cool, i like the feel of it
  4. Snak

    Snak Banned

    It's a good map, but it's way too big. I use to play on a 40 man server and even then people would camp and delay and rounds would take forever and unless you have a radar, it's almost impossible to find eachother if your the last few players.
  5. and Train isnt too small. ok then

    well on a 32 player server this is more than a good size, and it is nort really that large. 67th way is proably larger for the fact the rooms, and buildings as well as the three main locations (the traffic area, the barn area, and the bottom areas.

    +1 on most of the favotite maps although I dont know what it takes to get anything done here, I havee been here almost a month and have yet to say anything from the suggestions being placed into the server or even tested. getting a little bored is all.
  6. Doomblade3890

    Doomblade3890 Supporter

    This is a well-sized map and highly detailed.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  7. Thorn

    Thorn A Thorn in your side. VIP

    I really enjoyed this map and forgot the name since I havnt played it in along time, but THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDED!!! lol. also if I remember correctly, the only issue I ever had with this map is that it seems to lack weapons, but thats and easy fix, just add more weapon spawns haha. +1 nonetheless