Tsu False slay

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by juniorrr, Feb 21, 2014.

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  1. juniorrr

    juniorrr Supporter

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Server: (Which server did this occur on? West, East)
    West 1
    Time of Occurrence: (Make sure you include your timezone and map with round number if necessary)
    5:15 PM EST
    Reason For Report: (What did he/she do?)
    false slay
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: (Screenshots/Video Recordings/Players That Witnessed The Event; See Here)

    Again a slay without logical thinking and based purely on damage logs.

    So, I witnessed a T gang-bang on a lone inno, One of the Ts had a mp7 out and walked away with it still out and let his buddies id the body. I kill the Mp7 welding T first and continue onto Bullsforthewin who participated in the gang-bang(association) I killed him, and then Tsu false kosd me and starting shooting so I killed him. He then slays me right after that.

    Tsu said I rdmed, last time I checked you can kill for association. I'm not stupid, I've been playing TTT on this specific server for 300 hours.

    Below is a screenshot of where i was location and where the T-gang bang took place
  2. Amazing

    Amazing Veteran Member

    You can indeed KOS on association. It isn't in the rules because it would take too long to explain.
  3. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    If your gonna file a report please file a truthful one.

    I was a T. I was with both of the T's you killed. We killed an inno in the far inside room of the picture you posted, where you find a computer. There are no windows into that room. We killed the inno at 1:50

    At 1:57 the other two Ts leave the room and come out. They then walk downstairs (not where you drew in this picture), where you immediately proceed to shoot both of them (neither of them had fired a shot).

    You then told me that you saw them shooting an inno, which is definitely false, as we killed the inno in a room with no windows and the door closed.

    I slayed you for RDM on the first T minimum. You can claim "association" on the second one if you want (even though you shot both within 4 seconds, so kinda hard to claim association on that), but the first T was RDM, as you had no way of seeing him kill the inno.

    I also suspect you of ghosting, but as I have no proof of that, you were punished only for RDM.
  4. juniorrr

    juniorrr Supporter

    The first T i killed had a mp7 out, bulls was near him with that mp7 out and did nothing. I can kill on association easily.
    Ghosting? 300 hours in this server and I would ghost? I am just a good T hunter... as alot would say.
  5. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Okay here's how it works:

    "So, I witnessed a T gang-bang on a lone inno"

    you can't keep changing your story to whatever is most convenient for you.

    When the Ts walked out of the room, neither of them had an mp7 out. I saw that. So now you're basically saying the first one pulled one out in front of you, but didn't shoot you, and allowed you to shoot him for it.

    And in all your defense in the server you said nothing about him having mp7 out. You said you saw him shoot an inno. I gave you a chance to give your side of the story, it didn't check out, I'm not going to then let you come up with different other explanations of why.
  6. juniorrr

    juniorrr Supporter

    Your the one lying here, the T did have a MP7 out, you weren't even near the 2 Ts as you were somewhere else, I didn't even see you till you appeared outa no where and called kos on me. The person who reported me was Bulls which I killed for association, not the T with the mp7 out. I responded "association" to Bull's report.
  7. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    All I said was they didn't have an MP7 out when they left the room where they killed the inno. I was in the same room as them, not somewhere else. I just walked out after you shot both of them already.

    The point is, no matter if they had an mp7 out or not, when asked why you shot the FIRST T (not the one that reported you), your response was "I saw him shoot an innocent". Which you didn't. And since you lied about that I slayed you.

    To make this easier:

  8. juniorrr

    juniorrr Supporter

    You asked me what? Again you lied(image below shows chat log). The first T i killed had an MP7 out and the only other person next to him was Bulls, you weren't even in sight I'm assuming you stayed behind or went the other way. You can't prove he didn't have an MP7 out, If he didn't then I would not have killed him simple as that. I simply killed for association and that is aloud. Even if I didn't see you guys kill the inno as you are claiming, the T with the mp7 out and Bulls following him doing nothing is still a legit kill for association.
  9. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    I lied? The chat log you posted shows you clearly stating "I saw you shoot the inno", not "you had an mp7 out". Since I know you didn't see him shoot the inno, i slayed you.
  10. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I want to start out that Junior has never been suspected of ghosting, so I don't think that is probable.

    Secondly, the reason you were slain was because you said you saw them kill the innocent; not that he had out an MP7. That's where there is a disconnect in your story. If you killed him for having out a traitor weapon, you should have said so; not that you saw him kill an innocent.

    If you were to originally say you saw him with an MP7 and bulls was walking with him, then it would have been completely fine and no slay would have been issued, but that wasn't the case. Only now does it seem like you're saying he had an MP7.
  11. juniorrr

    juniorrr Supporter

    You just said "I asked you why you killed the first t" , that is a lie, you never asked me about killing the T with the mp7 out, I killed 3 Ts that round. 3 different options here. The logs will also show the T with the mp7 shooting the inno as I said in the chat when asked by bulls, whom I killed for association.
  12. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    The suspicion of ghosting stems from him having claimed to have seen us kill the inno. If he ACTUALLY shot the guy for having an mp7 out, then it would be understandable. But both the suspicion of ghosting and the slay comes from the fact he stated he saw us kill the inno.
  13. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    He never said that he asked you that. That was your response in the RDM report.
  14. juniorrr

    juniorrr Supporter

    My response in the RDM report made by bulls was "association" period, maybe I should have put more details if its an association kill.
  15. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

    Again, I did not slay you for bull's report, as he was the second person you killed. You were slain because when the first T asked you why you killed him, you said "because I saw you shoot that innocent with your T buddy and then Tsu came". Which I know wasn't true since you couldn't have seen us shoot the innocent.
  16. juniorrr

    juniorrr Supporter

    Nylon was not the T, Mr. Doctor was, Nylon was spectating or dead and just accused me of ghosting.(1st image)
  17. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Well, he still never said that he asked you that. He said that was your response, which it actually was your response. You stated that you saw Bulls kill the innocent with his T buddy in a room that has no windows that you can't see into from the other side of the building.

    Like I said, if you would have said, you were walking around with your T buddy who had out his MP7, then it would have been fine. Even if you said you think they just killed someone and the guy didn't put away his MP7 and you killed him and his t buddy, bulls, who was guilty by association, it would have been fine.

    The only problem is that you said you saw them kill the innocent from the other side of the building when they were in the room with no way of seeing into the room unless you are by the computer or near that far wall. Because you said you killed him for killing an innocent, and not for having out his MP7, Tsu issued the slay on the count that you couldn't have seen them.
  18. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Bulls asked you why you killed him saying you RDM'd him and you said you saw him with his t buddy kill an innocent.
  19. Tsu

    Tsu Emma is love. Emma is Life. VIP

  20. juniorrr

    juniorrr Supporter

    Thing is the inno was not in the room with the windows, he was where I circled on the image but you are right, I should have just said I killed Bulls for association with T buddy with mp7 out in the report and not just plain association and what I said in the chat even though I did see them kill the inno :? .

    And, Tsu stop your lying, it doesn't get you anywhere in life although you are 27 so it must have.
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