Approved Torpoon's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Torpoon, Jun 13, 2015.

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  1. Torpoon

    Torpoon Banned VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    In what way was I hacking? I got a bunch of headshots like I always do whats the big deal?
    Evidence of Innocence:
    What the fuck Nena why did you ban me for hacking I didn't do anything?​
  2. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    @Nena banned you for First Offense of Hacking. She will respond soon. Looking at your history, I doubt this appeal will be approved.
  3. Torpoon

    Torpoon Banned VIP

    Let me see this evidence...
  4. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    Video is still being process,
    That was the only time I caught you to kill somebody with your aim locked right into their head, since whenever someone is spectating you,
    you'd just stop and then all your skills are gone somehow, not even a single headshot when somebody is spectating you.
    Not to mention you have been calling people out even you're not near them when they were admitting traitors' act , such as planting c4, killed somebody, or throw a nade. There is no way you can witness those events happened. witnesses : @Robokiller87 , @Peter Parker , @IKEA Cabinet , @Shroom , @Kawaii

    Demos :!Kc9xXaTT!FJj9ezkv67gkQCqeTZJg5-U3Cqj4w-sGBJ_cD0PrgPc!3d0SmZBS!rKm6xOGtm3KqLN3piZZCA450tuiLjQGrmVTlAdCaGj4
    I'll let my admin to decide whether to unban you or not.
  5. Torpoon

    Torpoon Banned VIP

    I called that guy out because i heard an ak47 fire and then immediately after a guy walked in with an ak47. Could be more considered just rdm. Also when it looked like I was following his head I was just moving my mouse. That guy was not moving particularly fast either. In what way is any of this hacking?
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
  6. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    I was there, and he... hee.. tou--

    Ok, well. I noticed he was pretty suspicious myself. First time in East 2 since like, what, 7 months and I am greeted with this l33t. I was spec-ing him myself to see how l33t he really was and he became really awful after having 9 straight kills in a T round and just donked up afterwards.

    Not saying this should be taken into account, but apparently 3,000 HS and it's apparently 75% of his kills? *shrug*

    He was hella sus to me, but business is over w/ that evidence. That evidence to me says that he had no human recorrection for that kill and was so baby butt smooth that it was just immediate w/o torsion. As a lead admin, I think @Darktooth said, human aim will surround the area of interest to shoot and not directly lock on but instead recorrect and adjust aim to get the HS, aimbot will have no such recorrection. I believe the latter is the case.
  7. Torpoon

    Torpoon Banned VIP

    I ran out of ammo what do you expect.
  8. His skills were really inconsistent.
  9. Torpoon

    Torpoon Banned VIP

    I have a mouse clutch so basically when I press mouse4, the sensitivity is about 5x lower, therefore the aim becomes very smooth and easy to follow peoples heads to a certain extrent.
  10. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm just saying it's highly unnatural. I'm just gonna not say anymore and like @Nena said, have @Slicck end this. I've only given my input, and that's all I can do.
  11. After looking for the video many many times It looks like aim bot at normal speed but when I slow it down all the way I see that it was shot off center and looked like it was aim bot. I know Torpoon has a bad reputation but he is innocent here.
  12. Predator

    Predator VIP

    I've looked at this video over and over, and to me it seems very strange. I'm with Nena here but could be wrong
  13. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Unless you are directly involved with this ban appeal, please do not reply. We have a reason for the rule as everyone is just providing their personal opinion now.

    Locked for administrative review.

    Review this thread if you wish to know more, or PM an admin or staff member if you are involved to provide input.
  14. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    As you said, the majority of people agreed that you were hacking.
    Appeal denied.
  15. Slicck

    Slicck Advisor VIP Silver

    After proving that you do in-fact have siblings, this account will be unbanned.
  16. Also, due to your extensive history and the sheer amount of bans you have on this account, if you receive any more bans on this account that aren't Karma bans, you will be banned globally for 26 weeks.
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