Title 2 Plan

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Serious Lawyerbot, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    Title 2 is a plan where instead of carriers of telephone services and such are private businesses they become public carriers and are subject to strict regulations. This is considerably consumer protection. You have already seen title 2 in action but never really realized what it was. You know those ramps into buildings? That's title 2. Those signs for the disabled to help open doors? Title 2.
    Now initially verizon voted for Plan A (my nickname for it) in which the FCC can turn Verizon, AT&T internet services into a public service. This will mean they will undergo quality control, searches for illegal practices and such. Verizon is now threatening to sue the FCC for such a plan if they even put it out officially. Considering all the stories about how they rip out copper that people relied on for their internet services and such this would be horrific.
    Google Fiber is the local initiative in town saying HEY BRING BETTER SPEEDS! This is also threatening them. Either way we as the consumers win especially if the Title 2 plan kicks it into the front seat.
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