
Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Brelm, May 31, 2014.

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  1. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Name of Staff/Player: TimmonZ

    SteamID of Staff/Player: I don't know

    Server: (Which server did this occur on? West, East) East

    Time of Occurrence: (Make sure you include your timezone and map with round number if necessary) 7:35 PM

    Reason For Report: (What did he/she do?) He was constantly harassing and threatening to ban me if I did not change my name (Faggot Bruce). Despite breaking no rules, he eventually banned me. No one was offended or complained about my name except for him.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: (Screenshots/Video Recordings/Players That Witnessed The Event; See Here)
  2. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    @xTimmonZ will respond at his earliest convenience. Just as an FYI, if you were warned and kicked but still did not change your name. xTimmonZ would be 100% in the right to ban you.
  3. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Just an FYI, there is no rule at all anywhere that says I am not allowed to have my name, which I'm sure you'd realize if you were to look. In addition, I was not kicked, only warned.
  4. Tom Hanks

    Tom Hanks Active Member

    Witnessed the situation.

    Listen, the term "faggot" is offensive to some people. If someone were to message the admins and say that your name was offensive, or point it out in the chat and a mod asks you to please change it MULTIPLE times, just change it. Why get into an arguement over it? You have to understand that people can get offended online. Just FYI :)
  5. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    The Admin Megatron has confirmed that my name is fine and not in violation of any rules, so I'd like to be unbanned as soon as possible.

    Attached Files:

  6. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    There are unwritten rules. One of them being that if a name is found offensive to any player, we give a warning to the player in question and follow the correct punishment under HARASSMENT.

    EDIT: just saw your new reply. If @MegatroN [Apollo] can confirm
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    To be honest, if he gave you the common courtesy to request a name change, you should have. Just because the one person that states they have a problem with it is a staff member does not make their concern null. Timmonz was thinking what would be in the best interest if the server and even consulted me about it; which would have been the same as contacting one if the current admins.

    My personal opinion is that it is offensive and, if I were an admin, I would have asked you to change it. It seems as if you're doing it to troll. It would be no different if your name was Nigger Bruce.
  8. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Thank you for your input Rice, but no one will recognize "unwritten" rules as legitimate, and certainly not me.
  9. xTimmonZ

    xTimmonZ If I'm a traitor, you're a victim. VIP

    Initially, I asked Brelm to change his name. I was very polite about it (though I'd love to see what "harassment" he is talking about). After I issued this first warning, he replied in chat saying that his name wasn't breaking any rules. I responded, telling him that punishments would be issued if he did not change his name.

    After this warning, he repeatedly continued to state that he was not breaking any rule, therefore I kicked him asking him again to change his name.


    He joined back (with the same name) and continued to argue that there was no rule against inappropriate names.


    Therefore, a 24 hour ban was issued. Possessing an inappropriate name may not be written in any words, but we take harassment/inappropriate behavior with seriousness. After a failure of complying to my requests of changing your name, I believed more severe punishment was necessary.
  10. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    They're unwritten in the sense that only staff can see and know about. That does not make it any less valid.

    EDIT: it looks like you WERE kicked.
  11. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Thank you for your input TimmonZ, but as you can see an admin has already confirmed that my name is okay and not in any violation of the rules, so please unban me as soon as possible.
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Well, if a staff member requests you to do something, that is because they are usually better versed and instructed by higher members of the community. The rules that you see in the Pop up at the start if a server are a general rule list. If we added a ton of rules to that page, no one would bother to read them.
  13. megaboy

    megaboy I got this game for Fathers day VIP

    I'd just like to say that if a Staff Member tells you to change your name, please do. Some staff members might find it offensive and even though it isn't written, you should still follow it. It is basically what MangoTango said.
  14. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Rice, it does definitely make it invalid, as I have no reason to change my name since I was not breaking any rules. Clearly, the only logical assumption was that TimmonZ was deliberately harassing me.

    I also did not realize I was kicked because it just looked like I lagged out on my end.
  15. xTimmonZ

    xTimmonZ If I'm a traitor, you're a victim. VIP

    I'm sure @MegatroN [Apollo] will actually understand that you were banned for a failure to comply with the request of a staff member. You were issued several warnings for an offensive name. If you want to play with the offensive name, be my guest. BUT if a staff member requests for you to change it, you must comply with them unless you wish to be punished.
  16. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    Your request was unreasonable (Asking me to change my name in the middle of the round) and insulting, as you were constantly harassing me and threatening me with bans despite breaking no rules.
  17. megaboy

    megaboy I got this game for Fathers day VIP

    Completely. You were requested by a staff member to change your name because it can be looked over as offensive use to other users in the community and as much as it seems it isn't as harmful, it can be as MangoTango said from anything else in your name like Nigger Bruce.

    But looking over the screenshots, I think I may tag @Krys in this just so he can justify @xTimmonZ's actions on this.
  18. xTimmonZ

    xTimmonZ If I'm a traitor, you're a victim. VIP

    Will you please provide evidence of this harassment? I was completely level-headed throughout this whole scenario, but I'd love to hear what you'd call harassment. I asked you politely three times before I kicked you, even after I told you that you could do it after you had died that round. I reminded you that you had also RDM'd that round, so I informed you that if you did not join back you would be banned for RDM & Leave.
  19. Brelm

    Brelm Member

    The difference between your hypothetical name "Nigger Bruce" and mine is that Nigger Bruce would just be insulting to others, while "Faggot Bruce" is actually a reference to a song.

    In addition, he is the only one to ever have an issue with my name, and his requests were unreasonable since he was demanding I change it in the middle of the round (Which everyone knows would result in me getting kicked) or I would be banned.

    I would also like to point out that there is no rule that says I must listen to whatever a moderator says when I'm breaking one of these "unwritten rules". Please forgive me for apparently being the only one to actually read the rules.
  20. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

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