Denied TheOatBaron's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by TheOatBaron, Dec 9, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Oat Baron
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    "Toxic Behavior" is not a valid reason nor does it warrant a 2 week ban.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    My proof is in the game itself. I was banned for "Toxic Behavior" which is not a valid reason - my actions against the rules were a false report and 1 act of RDM which should result in no more than a kick and slay according to the server rules themselves (

    The last time I actively played on this server was back in the summer. This hasty decision is extremely unprofessional and I find this action to be absurdly unjust.​
  2. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    I've seen this and I'll respond to this in a moment while I gather evidence, I'll notify @Kyogre as you're questioning my professionalism and my actions as well.

    Thanks for waiting in the meantime.
  3. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    Alright, now that I have the time I'll be explaining all the events that lead to your ban.

    The first example of your toxic behavior came when you knowingly false reported your friend (who at the time, I thought was just a random player) with a rather offensive message. You know full well that this behavior isn't acceptable yet you decided to act this way, and that's a common theme with how you acted on the server yesterday.

    This meaning other actions you took were things that you have gotten trouble for in the past or things you know you shouldn't be doing. The first of these was you Micspamming with the intent to cause annoyance to other players on the server, and calling them "jerks" when they complained about it. The second was when you blatantly RDM'd me when I had placed a slay on your friend for crowbarring you for no reason at the start of the round. You had even admitted to this yourself.

    All these events that I described is what lead to your ban, and I was able to place the ban due to you having history on our servers of acting extremely inappropriately along with this footnote at the bottom of our Rules page that you linked to me. (You must have missed that part).

    With all of this said, I will be Denying this Appeal as I believe the evidence I have presented and the clarifications I have made justify you being banned on our servers for 2 weeks. When you do return, I urge that you do not exhibit this type of behavior again as it will lead to an even longer ban. If you still have a problem with this even after you have read this response, you can feel free to contact me and/or @Kyogre in a pm and things can be further discussed there.

    Best Regards,
    ~Mr. Rogers
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