Denied TheOatBaron's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by TheOatBaron, Mar 5, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    What did I do this time
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I honestly dont know.​
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You were banned globally by @kynwall for "Loopholing + Harrasment". He will respond at his earliest convenience so until then, thank you for being patient.
  3. Take that back, this is across all servers.
  4. The harassment was taken completely out of context, just saw the report, sorry don't play very often. Everyone was badmouthing each other in good spirit. I believe I ended the bm on a high note, however, giving a "jk ily <3" or some other tomfoolery. Loopholing? When did I do that.
  5. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I wouldn't know what evidence got you banned but as I said @kynwall will respond when he can. Please be patient.
  6. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Good morning Mr.Oat Baron I do hope you're doing well today, so as stated by the lovely Miss.Anna I've banned you globally for Loopholing + Harassment, and from the sounds of things you've seen the report filed against you for the harassment. However your defense towards it, saying "The harassment was taken completely out of context..." is balderdash, when you openly insult a player and then say "jk jk <3" afterwords doesn't make it right. Your words carry weight whether you know it or not, and it will effect someone at some point as it did that day, and clearly they didn't take too kindly to it. Think before you act.

    Now moving onto the Loopholing side of things, it was brought to my attetion by
    Guilty who provided me with a video that was taken by Rice on the map Terror_Train of you lying in the reports to get out of a slay.
    The first case was when you went up the ladder at the back of the train, you then came across a player who began to turn around, and as they turned around to look at you, you opened fire and killed them for absolutely no reason at all. Later in the report you responded with "tbaiting yo jk idk", which shows your complete lack of empathy towards the situation and I took that report as a bit of a loophole as you tried to claim he T-baited you, however that was not the sole reason for the ban.

    The second case is why I went through with the ban, after killing the first player and playing with their corpse a player came up onto the train and began firing at you, and not a moment later a second player began shooting at you as well, both traitors. You killed the first one with ease then moved onto the second player failing to kill him. The first player then reported you claiming RDM, even though it was not as you had right to shoot them for shooting you however your response is the key point. You responded with "crossfire with dog". Now what crossfire means is gunfire from two or more directions passing through the same area, this was not the case however, as seen in the video you did not attempt to shoot Dog, you went straight for Change first, then for Dog. At no point did your gunfire cross his, you aim directly for Change first and only Change. This is considered loopholing and grossly offends our rules here, it will not taken lightly. You lied in your report to try and get out of a slay, now you're faced with the repercussions of your actions.

    The Evidence:

    Times of Occurence:
    The kill on Yapopey (first report): 40-46 second
    The kill on Change (second report): 1:56-2:05
    Time of responses to the reports that are clearly visible: Change's Report - 3:38 Yapopey's Report - 4:01

    I will give you a chance to defend yourself however as is the right thing to do, so @TheOatBaron what do you have to say for yourself after looking through the evidence laid out before you?

  7. Sure, I can explain each one of these after having re-watched the video:

    1. DMG Of Cody
    2. The kill on Yapopey (first report): 40-46 second
    3. The kill on Change (second report): 1:56-2:05
    4. Time of responses to the reports that are clearly visible: Change's Report - 3:38 Yapopey's Report - 4:01

    1. I was t-baiting and must have shot him, I always go around blasting my pistol, though, in retrospect, it is a really shitty idea.
    2. Again, t-baiting and extremely unlucky. As can be seen in the video, I was not aiming at him at all. When I shot, I was moving and the bullet went off the crosshairs. I really didn't know what to after, so I sat up there for time and played with the body.
    3. I saw bullets flying from across the train and immediately started pulling the trigger. I didn't even know change shot at me. I mixed up my controls as can be seen by the sloppy execution and was unable to kill dog.
    4. Time of responses are delayed because the round lasted so much longer. I also did not know the names of the people I killed and was confused by who was reporting what as for all they said was along the lines of "wtf RDM"

    My report also clearly said I was t-baiting when I killed Yoopey "tbaiting yo jk idk".

    It all comes to the shitty idea of t-baiting. If it weren't for that, this situation would not have unfolded. I appreciate the time and effort you have placed into looking into this.
  8. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Alright, if that's all you've to say for yourself as a defense I believe this Appeal is over and done with.
    Due to your lack of burden of proof I'll be
    denying this appeal, you'll have to serve the remainder of the ban. I hope that what you take from this is a sense of understanding, understanding what you did wrong, how you went about things and how you can fix them on a personal level so that we can all benefit from you learning.
    If you've any further comments or questions feel free to message me via our forums Private Messaging System by "clicking me"
    I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours and have a lovely day.

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