Denied TheGreekOwl's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by TheGreekOwl, Apr 11, 2014.

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  1. TheGreekOwl

    TheGreekOwl Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I shouldn't. What happened was mostly my fault, and it cam from making lots of leaps of faith. I simply wish for the ban to be demoted from 5 days to 24 hours.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    This happened on Whitemansion maps while the Staff was all away. What I am trying to explain less of an appeal, more of an explanation and apology.

    The basic setup is that I ended up RDMing 4 people while staff was away.

    In the four previous rounds I had been a traitor (the planets allighed or something), and I had managed to rack up quite a kill count as a T. This is not to gloat, I simply want to see what happened. Basically I got used to the whole "how T's rek everyone" in Whitemansion, and the tricks to do while you work with other T's in order to destroy everybody.

    The round where the whole mess happened was the last before a server change. I can't go really on too much detail, I don't have the names of those who I RDMed, but basically what resulted was me as an Innocent taking too many assumptions and leaps of faiths and killing people. One resulted in an Innocent dying, two traitors whom it may have been debateable if I were supposed to kill them, and 1 that I am pretty sure I saw and heard kill somebody else and came to the conclution that he was a T.

    (I should note that at the end of the round I also killed the last 2 T's, but I believe that was justifed. Three of us were left, and I was in the basement when I saw two of them coming down the elevator together, and procceded to kill them in the insuing firefight)

    The round changed, I tried to volunteer to get slayed for that, but there were no Admins or Mods around. I got but from that server by Sir Lemoncakes, and went to West 2 to ask about the ban, where I was promptly directed to the forums by Kythol.

    tl:dr I made assumptions that RDM'ed 1 Innocent and 2 T's.

    I do not know where the Fourth RDM comes from, I was certainly sure I saw and heard somebody kill an inno and I reacted accordingly.

    I simply wish for the Ban to be reduced from 5 days to 24 hours if that is possible. If not, I will carry through the 5 day ban without objection.​
  2. Sir Lemoncakes

    Sir Lemoncakes Don't trust the other guy. The cake IS a lie. VIP

    Wow, I didn't even know about the other two RDM's. I'll go ahead and make this ban global. Ban appeal denied and ban extended.
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