Denied TheBritishCookieMonster's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by TheBritishCookieMonster, Aug 14, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I don't why i was banned. no one has informed me
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. finispro

    finispro VIP

    • Please do not comment on Reports / Appeals you are not involved with.
    he means EU2
  3. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    You were banned for harassment by @Graze . They will reply at their earliest convenience. Thank you for being patient.
  4. Since when the fuck. i havent been harrasing anyone .
  5. finispro

    finispro VIP

    • Please do not comment on Reports / Appeals you are not involved with.
    as this his his first offence of this you would think it would be a 24H ban but apprealty not :/
  6. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Graze will respond with all his evidence soon enough. Please be patient while he responds.
  7. finispro

    finispro VIP

    in the video of him being toxic it was very clear people were trying to get him in trouble by makeing big things out what ever he said. Things that if anyone esle said it would go unhurd and it is very clear he is being sarcastic and not trying to "harras" people. Also me and melon know that cookie can be a bit off and we try to stop him but in this video there is nothing that bad and can be called harrasment.
  8. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

    Locking until Graze can respond to this appeal.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2016
  9. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    I have seen this and will respond with evidence when possible. Please wait for me to do so, as I have a few things going on today.
  10. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Hey @TheBritishCookieMonster, I banned you for Harassment for a 5 day ban, which was extended with discretion that was given to me by the administrator @Guilty. The harassment in question is in relation to this forum report against you, along with your history of harassment, as well as my experiences with you earlier on the server, since right after I had left the servers, you appear to have continued the harassment that I had warned you for. I will now go into the evidence that I have, along with what I have determined as for a verdict for this appeal.

    While we were playing together, you had a rather negative behavior towards one other member on the EU2 server named Cripsynathan who kept making a whistling sound over the microphone. I hadn't noticed this player making a sound the first time, and your words towards this player were very harsh and toxic, akin to what you said in the video by Haruka in the forum report against you. I was not recording you at this time, so I warned you and moved forward, and proceeded to turn on a recording for the future. After a while later, Crispynathan started to make these sounds again, and I gagged and warned him for it, then you proceeded to harass him again for the same thing. As I knew you were the type of player to file an appeal due to previous interactions with you, I issued a second warning instead of kicking you since I did not have any evidence of your over-mic harassment that you did the first time. I then had to leave the servers, and that's where the forum report comes in showing that you continued to harass this player after I had gotten off the servers. This forum report showed that not only had you ignored my past two warnings, but had continued to harass this same player. I went to an admin about the situation, explained everything and requested discretion to bypass the 2nd punishment for harassment due to the circumstances. This ended up in me getting discretion for a 5-day for your toxicity and blatant harassment. Evidence will be compiled below for clarity.

    Instance of prior offense of harassment =

    Harassment warning 1, no evidence of what was said over mic.

    Harassment warning 2; along with what was said.
    (Took me like 2 hours to learn how to upload videos and record them sorry for the wait, audio quality is bad, but I couldn't after like 8 attempts get it to sound better.)


    Proof that I warned Crispy for his micspam:

    So, the reason that I did not kick for the offense is that I do not have any proof of your first offense of harassment, where you called Crispy a "twat" over the mic a few times. I didn't feel right issuing a punishment for an offense that I had no evidence of, so I resulted in kicking you twice.

    So, as seen though this, I have provided evidence of your toxic game-play surrounding a player, both while I was on the server as well as off the server. However, this all only falls under harassment 3rd offense which leads to a ban for a single day. I decided after talking with a few people in private to reduce your ban down to only a single day also, and to request that you watch what you say to other players in the future.

    Ultimately this appeal has been Accepted partially, and the ban length has been reduced to a single day. Thank you for taking the time to file an appeal here on the forums.

    Thread Locked
  11. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    Although this appeal has been accepted by Graze, I'm going to be overriding the decision to shorten your ban and, on the contrary, will be lengthening the ban. Not even a day ago you and I had spoken about this behavior, and I told you that any further instances of harassment or overall toxicity would result in punishment. Sadly, you didn't take this talk to heart. We strive to keep a positive environment for our playerbase, and this sort of behavior only deteriorates from that experience.

    Apologies are one thing, but actions are another; if you want to have your ban shortened, appealed, or anything else of the sort, you'll need to show change through action--not just words.
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