.. on yet another day. no this is not a farewell Even though yesterday's announcement still feels surreal, time seems to move forward, unfazed. We know our end, but not the road there. And I'm sure all of us have given thought to whether they stay until the end or leave now. The servers have been less lively for a while and as we concerned ourselves ever more with crashes and other pains - which no doubt contributed to this outcome - I think we lost sight of something far more important. Each other. In all the time I've been here, and certainly before, the thing that has made this community the outstanding, amazing place to be that it has been? It was always the people. Sure, it was some nice servers, mostly fair rules, and what have you. But far more than that, at its very core, SGM has always been the players in it. Same as any other community. SGM was, is, and will be the sum of its members. I do not speak of or as staff, but as a member of our community. I think we lost sight of one another. Too caught up in our often-petty grievances, arguments, and drama. Too focused on the things we did not like. All of this getting in the way of simply having fun together. So how do we move forward now? Some will stay, some will take the announcement as encouragement to move on. On to other communities. On to other endeavours. But I'd like to invite you all to stick around, at least for a while. To make these last days of SGM as memorable and fun as the days that are now behind us. Whatever decision you each make, the reason I made this post was to thank you for all the good times I've had with you. And I hope that wherever you all end up, you will have a fun and joyful life, together with friends from here, and with new companions you meet on the road. And while some mischievous fucks kept pestering me to change my status, I'll wrap this post up with my previous status. What it means, I don't really know. But it feels fitting. May gentle winds guide you.
siddo, thank you for this post, not enough people remember the good stuff, y'know? i'll see what future has to offer me thanks everyone
For all I know I am staying here until the very end. SGM is too good of a second home to abandon just like that.
As i said earlier. I will be here on the last day. On the very last day i will kill people with the picture frames in dolls. I never lie.
I'm staying till the end no matter what This community for the last 2 years this place was like home Ive loved this place sad to see it go even tho it's a year away but still