Finished The Legendary Giveaway (1000th Post Special)

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Ravin, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    What a strange long trips its been. This will Mark my 1000th post in SeriousGmod. From Modding, to shit posting, to various chats and even buying video cards, I have hit that mark!

    To Celebrate this and the holidays with the new year, I will be giving someone Legendary Status on the 25th of December.

    To enter this contest is simple. You must.

    1. Be active on the Servers for over one week. (Registered Forum name must be over a week old as well.)
    2. Not randomly be gone then suddenly come back just to try and win this contest. (Somewhat active. That means CoCo, you are out. :p Kidding.) Or any extended period of leave due to in real life. I would like someone to USE this Legendary Status on the servers, and not just camp it.
    3. Make a post here telling me how long you have been here and why you continue to stay with this community
    4. You may enter for someone else.
    5. "Legendarys" may NOT enter for themselves, but can tag another person.''
    6. If you do not tag anyone, I will assume you are entering for yourself.

    Failing to follow any of the rules above will result in your termination in the contest.

    This contest will end December 25th, 2015 at 12:01am. I will announce a winner later that day or the next.

    Happy Holidays everyone.

    Congrats to @Kawaii for winning!

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
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  2. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Been here for a bit over the year, continue to stay because of giveaway like these.

    Thanks for the giveaway Sir.

    Give it to @Kawaii if I win. She's like the first person I met while playing STTT a year ago
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    I've been a part of this community since October 2nd, 2013 (those years fly by so quickly!), but didn't get around to making my forum account until January 2014. I'm still here because I love the player base (some of these regulars are the reason on why I choose to stay for the fun). They're the reason on why I haven't gone and left the community entirely. I love this community and I would love to see it continue to grow.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    1. m8 im older then u
    2. topkek m8
    3. I've been here for what, 2 years? Nearly 2 years anyways. TTT got boring, then it got good, then it got boring again. But the community is/was/will always be fun.
    4. I'm entering for @Ravenous Electric Daisy , he's the coolest guy around here.
    5. I'm totally not a legendary guy :)
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  5. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    A; too long. B; fear of the outdoors.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP


    I have been here for just about 2 years now. I was a mod for many months and left for a variety of reasons but I never could quite leave entirely. There was always someone in this community I cared enough for that I would play at least intermittently. This server has caused me an incredible deal of stress over this time but it has also given me some friendships and relationships that I will be eternally grateful for.
    I am entering for myself because I need dat gold deagle.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  7. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    I first joined the Vanilla server on November 27th of last year. I never thought I'd be in the place I am now, but the one thing I can say is that this past year would not be worth it if not for the friends I've come to have made here.

    For that reason if I win give it to my perfect lil' Sis @Pandora I feel like she's one of the few people that it would be extremely fitting to don the title of "Legendary" she's one of the constant reminders every single day that I belong here among the amazing people of this community. She's always been there for me, through the bad, and the good. She's seen Derpy at his lowest points and Derpy at his highest points and man does she know how to make me laugh. I can't thank you enough for that Pandora. Here's to hoping we win because even if you're the one potentially getting it, we both win in my book. And remember #YoungTeamBestTeam.
    • Friendly Friendly x 4
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  8. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    I've been here for 10 months, I stay because of the friends I've made and hope to continue to make. This is also, in my opinion, the only community who cares enough about their player base for it to warrant my playing on their servers. I've enjoyed my time here and plan on continuing to do so. Also I think I'd look swag af in salmon.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  9. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Hey Ravin, thank you so much for the give away, to start off my post: I've been here since July 2013, the very start of the server. When I first joined the server I had just gotten GMod on sale. After not having the textures for Rooftops I decided to quit playing for a week. I don't know what but something inside of me kept making me want to play. I came back on to SeriousTTT and played for almost a day straight, but I had apparently Mass RDM'd at the time and got banned for a day. I tried appealing it but since it was only 1 day it got denied. I continued to play on the server and I even made friends with @Highwon. On August 1st I had made my first video for Serious TTT:

    I spent most of that summer playing more GMod. It wasn't until about December 2013 that I took my first break until July 2014 when I came back for a bit for the celebration of the anniversary. After playing for a bit throughout the summer I played on and off for over a year, then while looking through my files I found my old TTT map, I decided to take another shot at mapping again and I found SourceCraft. After developing the map for about 4 - 5 days straight I published it to the workshop but the I got caught up with other things and left it alone. Then after a couple more months I came back and updated my map to what we have now. I've made many great friends in the community and I hope to continue those friendships for a long time.

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  10. Kawaii

    Kawaii Paper Towns

    Its been a little over a year since i first joined the servers[20th September] i guess one of the biggest reason i stayed on continuing to play in this community was the people.
    When i first started playing Gmod, the servers that i played on were either full of toxic people or just horrible moderators that abuse their powers.
    However when i joined Vanilla for the first time[I believe the one of the first moderators i met was Guilty], it was a totally different feel from the game, though the players were less than welcoming, i felt right at home.
    It picked up from there, hopping around the servers meeting new people and making new friends.
    I feel that the people is what make this community so enticing.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  11. Master_Failure

    Master_Failure master of failing.. not much more to say VIP

    been a year and a half for me, i stayed because i have friends etc and if i win id like to give it to @Kawaii
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    I want to express how considerate and generous this is of you (thank you). I've been waiting for someone to make a Legendary giveaway because I adore that color.

    I first joined February, 7th 2014. I became an active member around March when I transferred from my old community to here, like many communities it began to die.

    When I found STTT, now SGM, I was just surprised at how smoothly the server ran, staff in particular. Rules were simple, justice was swift and fair. It's something my old community didn't have. Like most players, I decided to take a go at staff. This, more than anything, is what has kept me apart of this community for almost 2 years. The staffing experience. Along with staffing came your fellow staff members, meeting these amazing people you could never find anywhere else. If it weren't for all the experiences with @Darktooth and @Slicck I don't know where I'd be. These two are some of the funniest, friendliest, silliest and caring people I've ever met. I know how absolutely cringe it sounds and I don't really show it, but I love these two guys. Even if we don't speak often.. (slicck).


    And that's why I'm still here today. :greyalien:
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
    • Friendly Friendly x 5
  13. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    It was around eleven months ago, in January, when I first began to frequent the servers under the alias Shimakaze. The environment was certainly an interesting one, well-organized with solid rules and protocol, even if I may have been in disagreement with parts of it at the time. My time here has been more than just enjoyable, it's been a chance for me to learn and grow. Lots of stuff has changed that wouldn't have if I had not been here. That's why I stayed, and continue to stay. I feel like there'll always be more to learn here, and there's always someone new to meet. The people that I've met already have been, for the most part, nothing but wonderful, considerate, thoughtful, and I could only ever thank them for their company, as well as what they may have taught me. I love it here, I could never say otherwise. Here's to a great first year, and a few more great years to follow it. You're all wonderful.

    Yes, even you, @Guilty.
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  14. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    I first played on this server on 02/13/14. But I mainly started playing in late April, At first I stayed in this community because I wanted to become a moderator and help the server as well as this I had become close with a lot of people for example @Carned, @Machinekiller00 and @Kenny. Once I lost a lot of friends from my first group I then went on to found another group and I spent a lot of time with them. I stayed in this group for quite sometime and continued to progress as a moderator. When my girlfriend resigned from staff I decided to stay for a little while longer but then resigned earlier than expected because I wanted to spent what little time I had on my computer with her. When me and her broke up I came back to the community hoping to offer more than I had done last time. I reapplied for staff and later fulfilled my goal of getting admin. The main reason as to why I'm still around now is because I love each and every single member of my team (@Graxed, @Diehard01 , @Snowdoll and @ElfLegion). They make me happy day in and day out, as well as this I love the community and I want to continue to serve it to the best of my abillity. I will continue to do this by recruiting and training staff members that work to the best of there ability to make everyone on the server happy.

    Thank you so much for the giveaway I really appreciate it.
    • Winner Winner x 1
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  15. Grace

    Grace 真夜中 VIP Silver

    I think I first played some time in July last year and the first server I joined was West out of the blue, when Steven invited me: However I only really joined the community in the last month. In the past month I have had more fun that I have had in a very long time, and i've been alot happier around here. Whether it be just joking around in my team channel, or moderating, Its always a good time around here. I hope to stay here for a good while and make more memories with not only my team; but everybody else here.

    Entering for @Steven | SP
    You've done alot for me dude, and I will forever be thankful.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  16. pup

    pup Princess Pup

    It's been about a year since I joined this community completely on December 30. tbh i wanna say im proud to be a member of sgmod for this long buuuut i feel like an old grumpy grandfather. but i still adore everyone.

    5 months of admin on december 23

    Why I stay? For these four little corgis that I care about sooo much :love: + other good people in here
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
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  17. Happy

    Happy Laughter is the best medicine. VIP

    It's been just over a year since I first joined this community. I stayed cause this community brought me happiness.
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  18. Viral☣

    Viral☣ I'm the hero that Deathrun deserves! VIP Silver

    I have been in this community for almost 3 months and I absolutely love it.The servers are well made and there are so many kind people in this amazing community.This community has smart and very nice people here and I love that.In most of my 3 months I have met very intelligent people,friendly people,and helpful people.This community is not some old terrible community,it is a well made community that has smart staff running it.SGM has been one of the best opportunities for me to find amazing people and great friends! In my 3 months this community has been great to me and that's why I'm proud to be apart of this awesome place!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    Hmm where to start...

    I guess I would say it started after 2 years of not being apart of a community (which is something I had been constantly doing, hopping from community to community, I had decided that I wanted to be a part of something again)

    But the want of being apart of a community again I believe comes from it was around the time I was forced to stop going to school due to a medical condition and I basically just sat all home all day feeling miserable and sorry for myself doing absolutely nothing but playing League in my bed.

    I had originally found this server through me and my friends hopping from Vanilla server to Vanilla server RDMing until we ended up stumbling upon one of the East servers.

    I genuinely liked the custom weapons a lot as I actually hated vanilla servers gunplay and lack of cool custom content and I really enjoyed the work of the M9K pack so I stuck with it without visiting the forums.

    After awhile of playing I decided to make a forum account to report a moderator, opening up with a dumb Q & A but nothing really came of it due to a lack of evidence.

    Then I slowly started to make a name for myself, and near the beginning some person named DetectiveDoge added me and begged me to make a farewell for him which not really knowing who he was or what kind of person he was, I just said okay because he seemed genuinely upset that he couldn't. This tainted my reputation for a long time.

    Then with the help of Ikea Cabinet I wrote up an applicant expecting to get picked up quickly (although I had trouble finding the apply button).

    Couple missteps along the way (advertising without knowing the rule, almost getting my app denied by a lead etc)

    6 months later, lock application, change name, unlock app, get picked up. Resign a week later due to depression.

    Go through a phase of being a borderline troll (I don't think I was that bad, but that's my perspective so I can't say for sure) then reapply.

    Become STR night staff (what does the r stand for?) , transfer to my fav @BlueCore, transfer to @irritatingness a day before he resigns making my time with him a week and one day.

    And then here we are today.

    I guess what really makes me stay is getting to know the people on the servers, the staff teams, and on the forums.

    While also making some good friends like @Sinz, @Smash, @Hingle, @Falcor, both the leads, and some other league players that have been a lot of fun to play with (regardless of getting stomped endlessly)

    In total I've been here about 10 months? I believe, I'd have to go back and check maybe I'll edit this in maybe I won't.

    But I plan to stay here/be a staff member (hopefully) for at least as long as I can before I have to go to college.

    Sorry for the long post and the life story but I thought it was relevant (enough) and I wanted to share.

    If I win give it to @Hingle
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
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  20. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    So far, I have been staying in this community for a year and 10 months. (My second year milestone will be in February)

    There are a few reasons why I continue to stay active in the community. That being: Friendships, the staff, and the community.

    Over the year(s), I have become friends with a huge quantity of people here in this community. These certain individuals bring true happiness to me. Some of those people are the reason why I continue to stay in this community. Each friendship that I'vc made with someone has had an impact on me positively and I appreciate that.

    The staff here are just simply outstanding. As someone who has served about a year and a half being a moderator, the whole team runs very smooth and we are very friendly to each other; that all translates to the servers. I also enjoyed the intellectual conversations that took place between staff members about a certain subject. I felt really at home with the entire team because we all had common goals and interests. I may not be apart of the team anymore but I still remain to have some contact with many staff members through either teamspeak, Steam, shoutbox, or the servers when I'm in-game.

    Lastly, the community in general is my third reason on why I continue to stay in this community. Like I said with the staff, everyone here is friendly to each other and bring a shade of happiness and comfortablity to me. There maybe some moments where people are a bit too hypocritical or overzealous, but we recover from those times quickly and return to remain in our normal, safe, and fun constant. I would not trade this community for another.
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