Approved {The} Doctor's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by {The} Doctor, Apr 22, 2017.

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  1. {The} Doctor

    {The} Doctor Member

    Forum Nickname:
    unbann doctor
    Why you should be unbanned:
    slap banned me for a porn spray but it was not the spray is hear

    Porn spray removed by administration.​
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2018
  2. Peach

    Peach sweet c: VIP Silver

    Will go ahead and tag @Slap for you. Please be patient while you wait for their response.
  3. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    I was also online before @Slap hopped on to take over for me and I do not think that lying in your appeal is good for your cause. I had asked about your spray because I myself do not have much experience with managing sprays since it's a new feature and I've never had a problem, however I was questioning your spray which is not the one that you linked above, your spray at the time was actually this one

    I will leave slap to cover the rest
  4. {The} Doctor

    {The} Doctor Member

    i had 2 sprays and he banned me for the spray i linked
    i was not lying in my report
  5. Toest

    Toest "I am the bus" ~ Falcor, all the time VIP

    This is not the way to handle this situation. Please be patient while Slap gathers his evidence.
  6. {The} Doctor

    {The} Doctor Member

    ok sorry i was just pissed im calm now
  7. I am a witness to the event as i was on the server at the time. The image he linked is the image he had at the time of his banning, at least thats what i saw on the wall. I got on the server at the moment where zigles and slap joined shortly after. when they were both on, zigles left shortly later after slap joined. Doctor was banned a couple rounds after zigles had left.

    summary: just commenting that Doctor did indeed have the spray he posted in his OP and not commenting on anything else about the appeal or about Doctor's character. He had the OP spray when he was banned, so what Zigles has might be the spray he had when Zigles was on before me or slap were on the server. Hope this gives some clarity to the situation.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  8. {The} Doctor

    {The} Doctor Member

    thanks dr.poop
  9. Gay

    Gay Banned VIP

    I do have video evidence of another porn spray he had this morning not related to the two above in my recording somewhere.
  10. {The} Doctor

    {The} Doctor Member

    that's imposibil thos were the only 2 i used thru ought my time the were both of the 2b charicter
    edit the outher spray is
  11. Gay

    Gay Banned VIP

    you are right my bad for commenting on this report. it was a picture of the first image but it was posted on a dark wall so it looked darker and different.
  12. Slap

    Slap Dont steal my cheerios VIP

    I asked you in game to change it and gave you a round to do so, you did not which resulted in your ban along with your spray showing very borderline genitalia as well as players complaining to me about your spray. I will give you another chance but please avoid using sprays like this in the future, or else it will result in a ban. Although I will be unbanning you and accepting your appeal, this ban will remain on your history.

    Appeal: Accepted, Not voided
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