All I ever hear is people whining about the Double barrel being op and how it should be a t weapon. Then they add the bulk cannon which is even more powerful. I was just in a round where a t killed 8 people because they couldn't get shots off on him and just decimated half the server. If you guys are going to add this ridiculous weapon no-one likes, at least make it a t weapon. Thoughts?
The weapon was added as a specialty weapon by Highwon for Halloween. It's going to be removed the next day..... Edit: Whoops, I meant by the end of this weekend. gg
Its just as a halloween weapon, just like the Lion - anniversary weapon, where when you use it as the last traitor, it kills every last inno. I agree though, the bulk cannon is 3x more powerful than the db
The point of the Bulk Cannon is that it is supposed to be over the top. Trust me its not going to be a permanent, just as Sinz says right above its only for the weekend.
Is the Bulk Cannon something that randomly spawn on each map? How many spawn? Or does it spawn in a random person's hands?
To my knowledge it is like any other gun, it spawns randomly but you cant buy it or equip it in a loadout.