Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by megaboy, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. megaboy

    megaboy I got this game for Fathers day VIP

    Lately, i've been a bit stuck and bored when i'm playing Team Fortress 2 alone. Sometimes, in pubs you find decent players, sometimes you don't. I've still been pretty stuck on who I can play TF2 with because teamwork is everything and destroying players in pubs is rewarding and you learn a lot playing. For any of you that are interested in playing, it'd be nice to know some info about your status in TF2.
    For me, I have about 2,500 hours on TF2.

    My favorite class is unknown as of now. I've been switching up lately but I usually play Sniper, Solider, and Demoman a whole lot. I also play medic considerably well.

    I play it both competitively, and for the fun. I love winning. I love making great plays and taking out as many people before I go down. I wish, hope, to have a great highlander team is in the future because I know it'd be a lot of fun.

    I make this post to see if there's any other TF2 players here that are possibly decently experienced at playing and are also looking for someone experienced to play with. If you're not so experienced that's fine, you learn a lot by playing with others anyway.
  2. KingAngel

    KingAngel The 50 year old 13 year old VIP

    I'll rek u m8 I'm 3good5u
  3. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    @Carned can do a stream with you! Then he'll have a MLG tf2 platoon. :D
  4. megaboy

    megaboy I got this game for Fathers day VIP

    Sadly enough, i've played with him a few times and I can say that he's still a F2P. I think even @RhazhMatazh is better to be honest lol
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

  6. megaboy

    megaboy I got this game for Fathers day VIP

  7. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    I am the team medic, you may have all of the heals. #MedicLife
  8. Hours on tf2: 6
    favorite class: demo man
    I only play for fun :(
  9. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    How many hours do you have in TF2?: 200
    What's your favorite class?: Scout/Heavy
    Do you play TF2 competitively or just for fun?: Fun
  10. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    How many hours do you have in TF2?: 43
    What's your favorite class?: Spy/Scout
    Do you play TF2 competitively or just for fun?: Fun(It's a game)
  11. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    How many hours do you have in TF2?: 239 hours
    What's your favorite class?: Soldier
    Do you play TF2 competitively or just for fun?: Fun.
  12. Tachyon

    Tachyon New Member

    How many hours do you have in TF2?: I reset my hours, so I have roughly 3.1k overall.
    What's your favorite class?: Soldier
    Do you play TF2 competitively or just for fun?: I used to.
  13. urisk2

    urisk2 ~Rawr~ I'm a polar bear VIP

    How many hours do you have? Well on my steam its 150 but I have played more so i would wager around 200ish (not a bunch either i know).
    Favorite class(es): Spy is my best but i like to switch it up with scout or engi once in awhile.
    Do you play TF2 competitively or just for fun? Fun.
    Experience: I'm only decent (and annoying) at spy and i managed to get those two quadra kills on you guys so I am not too bad i like to think!
  14. Chronos

    Chronos VIP

    How many hours do you have in TF2?: 1.6k
    What's your favorite class?: scout
    Do you play TF2 competitively or just for fun?: fun, comp tf2 is bad

    Whats wrong with being a f2p? There are lots of f2ps that can wreck you easily and have lots of good items
  15. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    How many hours do you have in TF2?: 48 at the moment.
    What's your favorite class?:confused:niper. The joy of headshotting people with a bow and arrow, getting critical hits and being in the top 5 highest scoring players on my team make it my favorite.
    Do you play TF2 competitively or just for fun?: Pretty much both. I am very Competitive though. Come near me as a sniper, i would mostly likely kill you instantly.
  16. The Don

    The Don VIP

    How many hours do you have in TF2: 421hrs
    Whats your favorite class: Spy/Sniper wrek you from afar or backstab you.
    Do you play TF2 competitivly or for fun: I play for fun

    Ive been looking for a new server since my old one got corrupted with a new owner. Ill take any suggestions.

    Matrix I know how you feel, I love sticking people to walls with arrows.
  17. Tachyon

    Tachyon New Member

    Do you have any preference of map pool? I know a few good ones still.
  18. The Don

    The Don VIP

    Nope ive been so lost without my usual server, any will do :).
  19. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    How many hours do you have in TF2?: 2013
    What's your favorite class?: Scout, Solly, and Medic
    Do you play TF2 competitively or just for fun?: For fun mainly, been out of it as of late.
  20. liam525000

    liam525000 Member

    Favorite Class: Pyro, but sometimes demoknight
    Playin fer da fun