Denied Terminator's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Terminator, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. Terminator

    Terminator New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Terminator Bhopper
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    cause it was supposed to be a kick not a ban
    Evidence of Innocence:
    So i got banned 24 hours for harassing the second time

    the reason i harassed is cause the badmin slayed me after i threw a incendery down a whole where i didnt know where went so i hurt someone and then i got slayed and after that i harassed the badmin 2 times

    first i called the badmin a Fucktard
    second i called the badmin a bitch
    third didnt talk anymore (Banned 24 hours)

    when clearly in the rules it says its a kick not a ban

    i didnt see who banned me but i dont want the Badmin to reply on this thread cause i still hate badmin's​
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    You were banned by myself. I will be gathering my evidence soon so until then thank you for being patient.
  3. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    Alrighty now that I have all of my evidence let jump straight into it!

    Firstly thank you for taking the time to appeal this ban. I am sorry that you feel that I was not doing my job correctly and that I am a "badmin" but please allow me to explain my reasoning for this ban. So we were on the map Teen Room and it was the 4th round when I was scanning through the logs for any unreported damage that may have occured. When I came across you throwing an incendiary grenade and damaging @Asriel for 23 hp I reported you for it. For the sake of transparency and to allow for me to show the events leading up to this ban I have included the report and the logs in the following spoiler.
    So you claimed that you didn't know that you damaged people and that you had thrown it, the incen, through a hole. This is all well and good but because you damaged someone for absolutely no reason, I had to punish you. So I issued a slay onto you. You however were not happy in the slightest that this was occurring. Now I have screenshots of all the chat logs that occurred and will present them to you in chronological order. I would like to note that for some of them, because of my terrible lag that I have to deal with, at times it will say *DEAD* Console. However, I have screenshots provided by my moderator @Asriel who was also on at the time to prove that you did indeed say these things. This was done just so that there was no discrepancy here. I would also like to note that all important parts pertaining to this appeal have been outlined in red for ease of viewing.

    So this was your response when I issued the slay. It was rather tame and everything was fine.
    However you then took it upon yourself to file a false report against me because of the slay as you were not happy and you claimed it to be false. You can see this here.

    So fast forward to the start of the following round where you are slain. You send into Admin chat "just saying ur a fuck tard anna for randomly slaying me". You can see this in the following screenshot.
    As you can see you mention in public chat that you were warned for harassment. You were not warned by myself, but instead you were warned by @Asriel . This screenshot that I am about to show to you was provided by Asriel himself for this appeal. Also note that this is where my lag issues kicked in. In the following spoiler I have both the warning and a screenshot to prove that you did indeed say the things I highlighted.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Now it is at this point that you have now called me a "fuck tard" twice. As this was your slay round I took it upon myself to ask my Moderator to no longer deal with your case and that I would instead. I didn't kick you from the server since you were on your slay and as I am an Admin and have the discretion to do such things I was in no way being a "badmin". So although you were not kicked, you had already committed your second offense.

    You continued to show to us that you were getting agitated. After being asked to relax you continued to express that you hated me. It was at this point I told you I was doing my job and that you were more than welcome to report me here on the forums if you had felt that I was not doing my job correctly. You ignored this however and then said "Anna = Bitch" in chat. This was your third offense and as the round promptly ended after this it was then that I decided to go straight for the harassment ban. You can see this all here.

    Now as I am an admin, as I already stated, I have the discretion to deal with situations like this differently to what the MOTD states. And so I did so with this event. You did commit three offences of harassment however I only followed protocol for 2 of them, due to the fact that you were on a slay and I didn't want to kick you from the server on your second offense. All in all I see no reason to lift this ban and thus this appeal has been denied. I personally didn't appreciate the name calling and the fact you didn't simmer down even when we asked you politely to do so shows to me that a day off the server might be in your best interest. Come back with a better attitude and hopefully this will not happen again.

    Thank you and take care,

    Appeal: Denied

    Thread: Locked
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