Approved Tea♥'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Tea♥, Jul 2, 2019.

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  1. Tea♥

    Tea♥ VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Lol It's Alex
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was not cheating.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    My evidence shall possibly come once I see the reason I was banned. If an accident occurred, I shall just wait until then.​
  2. Nathan776

    Nathan776 Administrator Administrator VIP Silver

    You are currently banned for Hacking 1st.
    Tagging @Elvis as the banning moderator.
    Please be patient while he gathers his evidence etc.
  3. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    It wasnt an accident. Im at work right now, ill be able to handle this when i get off tonight. Give me a few hours.
  4. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    Wanted to give you an update, im in the process of editing out staff only information from the video. Bare with me as this shits fucking hard tbh with you.
  5. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    Its gonna be a bit delayed, as certain parts of the video has to be blurred out as it pertains to the evidence, but contains staff only information. Sorry for this inconvenience.
  6. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    Lets get right into it shall we?

    I want to first start off by apologizing for the delay. I have no experience with video editing and requested the assistance of my admin to edit the video. I got the edited video, so lets hop into it!

    It should just be noted to everyone that the whole video isnt showing all the instances of aimbot. Ill explain below.

    Starting with the first clip. You snap onto the players head, and have extremely robotic aim. Aimbots follow a "path" so you can say. Identical to an arc. It chooses the best and fastest "path" to make. Your aim goes up a bit and then immediately to the right, in an almost perfect arc. You dont need to, to see it, but its clearer if you do .5 speed on the video. You can also be seen locking onto the head, and where the head would be, even after the player is dead. This can be explained by lag from when the server hasnt sent the info to your client that the player is dead, so your client sees the player is alive still, therefore your aimbot still locks on until updated.

    Going to :35. I want to address the inconsistency in your play style. You start out crouch jumping, then change to "just aiming". I want to emphasize that this clip is not an instance of aimbot. Purely showing how his play style is inconsistent.

    Skipping ahead to 1:10 seconds, we can see another lock here. The arc is shown here again, as well. I also want to address the inconsistency in your playstyle once more. You start out crouch jumping. At the end of the clip, when you get the kill, you stop crouching and jumping all together. The shots before the kill were also very "thrown out there". You didnt seem to be trying to aim for the head. In nearly every kill in this video, when you did hit the head, they were extremely accurate shots.

    Skipping ahead to 1:35, we see another dodgy shot. The arc is apparent here, once more, but this time going down and left. You did not get the kill here, but the lock is still present.

    Jumping to 2:45. In real time, you can just see the edge of his player model as he passes. Looking at where youre aiming, you cant see it at all. Your reaction time was also insane. The kill in total was .5 seconds from when you might have seen him, to when he dies. Since the average reaction time is .2 seconds, that give you only a .3 of a second to see where he is, and adjust your aim accordingly. You manage to flick as hard as you did with the accuracy you had in that time. With the clip slowed down, you will notice the apparent arc ive been talking about too.

    Ill allow you to show any video you might have, that might contradict my statements said here, before I give my verdict on this appeal.
  7. Tea♥

    Tea♥ VIP

    "Starting with the first clip. You snap onto the players head, and have extremely robotic aim. Aimbots follow a "path" so you can say. Identical to an arc. It chooses the best and fastest "path" to make. Your aim goes up a bit and then immediately to the right, in an almost perfect arc. You dont need to, to see it, but its clearer if you do .5 speed on the video."

    Let's start off. I don't see how one kill where I managed a perfect flick is that suspicious. By preparing my aim to the left of the target, I give myself plenty of room to flick to their upper body or head should I ever feel like shooting them. Which I did; they ran walked past an unID'd body. Even though you, yourself, stated you shouldn't have to slow down evidence to such a large degree to notice anything, on my profile. You also stated spectator view has an apparent disparity with how it shows player positions when being shot and killed.

    I will now drop off the so-called video which proves my innocence. Of course, it's a demo. My computer lags hardcore when any recording software is used, so I'm forced to opt with this.


    Feel free to slow down the demo as much as you want. I slowed it down to 6% for argument's sake.

    This demo shows my headshot round, from my perspective, without spectator view influences. Although demo annoyances are here, not much we can do.

    Ticks: 900-1130 (0:30-0:38 In your video.)

    Normal shots as far as I can tell. I realize I killed nilz and ype an epic gamer moment response in chat. Please answer me this: What do you normally do when something doesn't work for a while, and you get tired of it? Continue? As for me, I try not to crouch jump as much in headshot wars because I know how unfair it is. I normally will only use it on players I think are crouch-jumping as well, or are just too good otherwise. Not only that, it hurts to spam crouch-jump 24-7, since my crouch is set to crtl. What does my play-style being inconsistent have to do with anything? I goof around a lot and don't always feel I should play the same way.

    (1:10-1:32) (Ticks 3500-3750)
    In ticks 3500-3600, you can see my aim shoot to where the player might move. Predictive shooting is how I get a lot of my kills in general. I try not to aim for the head itself, because I know how wonky the head hitbox can be with a lot of weapons, especially deagles, when everyone's jumping around. How my aim is inconsistent can be explained with what I said earlier.

    Ticks 3480: Is that not me aiming towards the head? You said all of my shots don't seem to be aiming for the head, here, until the killing blow. I'd say I was trying to kill them.

    Ticks 3600-3750: Man, what a crazy shot. I wouldn't be surprised if this is what got me banned. That aside, I preaimed around the area which would allow me to kill him easiest, since I was already looking to the right of him before hand, I simply aimed at chest level and prepared to catch his head on my flick. It barely worked for me.

    Ticks 4500-4900 (1:35-1:45 in your video.)

    Viewing each shot I take, you'll notice I did miss a few times, without that supposed arc you're mentioning. Killing shot at around 4580 ticks shows I aim and fire at the head. Just a normal shot; any player can hit that if they practice enough.

    (The whole jump-shot segment who cares about ticks at this point.)

    Dunno what to say here. I try to catch his head on my flicks and get screwed by the deagle's inaccuracy and my own inability to aim properly with it.


    Quite a suspicious kill indeed. I saw that edge of the player, as you say, in the window. I expected them to be on the other edge of the window frame, which is why I pre-aimed there. What I didn't expect was the near-heart attack of jumping out of the window in front of me. Because of the shock, I actually flung my mouse up the moment I realized a player was next to me so suddenly, resulting in that fishy shot. As you say, the average 2.5 seconds, roughly. But let's assume I'm not the average person, as evident by my higher-than-average skills in game. My reaction time could be something higher like 1.15 seconds. This would mean I'd have a 400 millisecond window to fling my mouse up and get a lucky shot, no? Forgetting the suspicious nature of the shot, that's all it was. Lucky.

    In conclusion, I would like to ask you a simple question. Why would I, someone who's been playing clean for 2 years, suddenly hack while the one staff member who's on is watching me? Assume I was cheating, then I would have known you killed yourself at the start of the round specifically to gather this evidence. Think about it - would I have allowed that if I was cheating?
  8. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    I want to give you the benefit of the doubt here. I was deadset on denying this but wanted to hear what youd have to say. Glad i did tbh.

    To clarify, i was not saying that the first kills part where the player died but you kept shooting was because of something in spectator. I was saying its prolly lag on your end because the player died and you still shot pike 5-6 bullets.

    To answer your question at the end, there have been many players that have been here longer than you, and even staff, and still hacked. I dont look at time played or reputation. I purely see what is done in game and if it looks like hacking im gonna investigate.

    Ill unban you here, Alex. However the video does show some sketchy stuff. Could be luck, could be that youre the hiko of TTT, or could be hacks. Time will tell i suppose.

    I just off work so i will unban you from vanilla when i get to my pc. Prolly like 30 minutes. Take care alex.

    Appeal: accepted
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