Denied Takesis's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Takesis, Dec 31, 2016.

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  1. Takesis

    Takesis VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Papa Gabagool
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Not really sure why I was banned, but I was banned for 180 days not really sure what I did to be banned for that long.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Ichikunjii

    Ichikunjii Vous avez changé VIP Iron

    You were banned for RDM and leave 6th by @Steve Mason. Please wait patiently for their response.
  3. Steve Mason

    Steve Mason Honesty. VIP

    Hey Gabagool!

    I just completed the extension/global request from @LegitCake. I'll tag him to provide you insight of which rdm you were banned for and then we'll both (Cake and I) will determine the outcome of this appeal.

    This is your sixth offence and with your history as well I decided to ban you for 26 weeks on all servers. While the time may be harsh you should know by now that rdm and leaving is a serious offence.

    Please be patient for Cake to provide his side of the proof and our verdicts as well.
  4. LegitCake

    LegitCake Loyalty Banned VIP

    Hello Gabagool. I'd like to apologize in advance for the delay as I was not online at the time.
    I was the person who originally issued the ban on west 1 and I'm glad you are curious about your ban.

    Let's jump right into it, shall we?


    This was the report that was filed against you. As you can see, the response you gave was barely inadequate to a valid reasoning to kill a person. I also noticed that you killed the person within 0:04 seconds into the round which is usually not enough time for anyone to begin a traitorous act. With that being said, I issued a slay on you.

    The next round, you left the server without a word.

    Leaving the server while slain is looked upon very seriously and reflects badly off you especially when done multiple times, hence why you were banned for so long. When you join one of the servers, it states clearly the ruling about leaving when slain in the motd.

    To my knowledge, you are also provided with a warning on your screen asking you to serve a complete slay such as this:
    Of course, this is usually meant for newer players who may not understand the rules fully, but can also be used as a reminder for older players.

    As I believe I've shown all pieces of evidence needed to hopefully help you understand the reasoning behind your ban, I'll be making a verdict for this appeal with @Steve Mason reviewing the appeal and making one himself. I like to think of myself as a fair staff member who can within reason give people second chances, however, with your history in mind and with multiple warnings from the server itself, I'll be denying your appeal from my end. Please use this response as a learning experience for future game-play. If you have any further questions, feel free to message me on the forums here

    Thank you for taking the time to make an appeal and for being patient. @Steve Mason will be responding with his verdict shortly and will wrap things up.
  5. Steve Mason

    Steve Mason Honesty. VIP

    Seeing as LegitCake had a valid reason to ban you at the time and request an extension I see no need to be unbanning you. This is your sixth offence of rdm and leave and I see no reason to give you another chance since you keep squandering the opportunities you get already. Combine this with your history and I believe the time is valid.

    Please take this time to learn the rules and familiarize yourself with our ban policy. Going to go ahead and deny this appeal. Still appreciate the time spent into making this appeal.

    Feel free to start a conversation with me on the forums if you would like further clarification.

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked
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