Approved Tactless Hog's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Tactless Hog, Apr 8, 2018.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Banned for ghosting, I always thought ghosting was wallhacks until today lol. Totally understand if denied since the rules are right infront of us when loading.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    People here know I'm pretty dumb so that's some evidence lol​
  2. olivia

    olivia queen of dankness VIP

    @Aria banned you for your first offense of ghosting. Please be patient while awaiting her response.
  3. Aria

    Aria Working on myself for awhile VIP

    I have seen this and I will post everything shortly!
  4. Aria

    Aria Working on myself for awhile VIP

    Hey there Tactless Hog let's get right to this.

    As you already know, you were banned for Ghosting 1st Offense.

    To start off, you pm'd Lil X (who was one of the two last traitors), that the last guy was in the white tent while Lil X was still alive. Here is that PM message:

    I went to further investigation to grab the deathscene of the last innocent alive that was indeed in the white tent. Here is the video for that:

    Now since this is your first offense, and you don't have any history of Ghosting in the past. I will reduce this ban to a week. However, take this as a mere lesson that Ghosting is not wallhacks. Here is a fresh reminder of what Ghosting actually is:

    Now since we have had a conversation about this, outside of the forums. I suggest for you to read up on our Extended Rules here.

    Appeal: Accepted (Reduced to 1 week)
    Appeal Status: Not Voided
    Thread: Locked

    If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me via Steam or start a forum conversation with me.

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