T Buddy RDM punishment

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by s1rcool, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. s1rcool

    s1rcool Active Member VIP

    Well, people who rdm get slain but if a t buddy kills his own t buddy like shoots his face or activates a t trap when he sees his mate there. Because you can see where your t buddy is through walls. I'm suggesting that you get more than a slay if you blast his face off or intentionally activate a trap. There are those rdmers who kill you on your T round and you get pissed, but you get more pissed if a mate kills you. Maybe like a 3 slay?
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
  2. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    If you randomly kill a player, regardless of the their role, you have ruined their round and consequently your following round must be taken away, "a round for a round" which is a single slay. No need for more.

    Also, if traitor buddies do not warn before activating traitor traps or throwing/blowing up explosives it is considered RDM.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Pretty sure the fixed rule of any instance of RDM (excluding multiple people being damaged by a incend) results in 1 slay per instance is absolutely fine. Hell, Detectives have killed Detectives and I could've sworn in the past it was a 2 slay RDM, nope. 1 slay. Same situation here. 1 slay for ea. instance of RDM.

    Then we add in the warning rule and stuff gets fuun
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. s1rcool

    s1rcool Active Member VIP

    I value my T round very much. But i understand your point Sinz, a round for a round. I guess not all people throw away their innocent rounds.
  5. I think he means if people intentionally RDM T buddies, then it should be more than a slay. But to be honest even that is kinda silly
  6. s1rcool

    s1rcool Active Member VIP

    @Adem is da Spookz
    they know what i mean, i was just suggesting but i guess it wont happen.
    can i request to close this thread
  7. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    It's hard (More like impossible) to tell if it was intentionally done unless they say or strongly hint it was intentional.

    Even then, still just a slay like all other instances.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    I agree with the idea that agency should be taken into consideration; unfortunately, it would be hard to enforce. Some people will do this to be a dick (like a T buddy who shot me just to take my credits, and even STATED THIS in the chat), and I think if it can be proven that the action was taken in bad faith, there should be a stricter punishment.
  9. s1rcool

    s1rcool Active Member VIP

  10. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Well, that strict punishment you are looking for is a slay, another slay, possibly a 3rd slay, a ban, if he returns and continues more slays then an even longer ban, and so on.

    The worst punishment a troll (anyone really...) can receive is a ban. Because now he won't be able to do anything stupid to anyone then.

    Could even say slays are worse. They cannot interfere with the game, and all they can do is watch in agony as you play without being screwed over. Recently agreed upon by the staff it would seem, they are giving out 3 slays over a ban of RDM 3+ recently.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2014