Your In Game Nickname: SunnylyWithDaShotGunYour Steam ID: IDKWhich Server: WestWhy you should be unbanned: Evidence of Innocence: I don't know why I got banned, But I'm guessing this is from earlier today. Assuming RDM and Leave? I planned a C4 and if a T die from it that is not my fault. Other then that IDK why did i got banned. I wouldn't leave if I know I will be slay, Plus I had to be somewhere so got no choice but log off right when I am done with my T round.
You were banned by @Cafedemocha for RDM and leave (1st). He will respond at his earliest conveniences.
Ayo @Sunny I banned you for this report Spoiler As you can see you threw a discombob and knocked your T buddy of the train, as I was also T that round I went back in the chat logs to see if you had warned but for the discombob and you didn't. I thought I had gotten a screenshot of the chat logs for that round but I guess I didn't. I will be more than willing to unban you if you agree to come on the server and serve a slay.