My channel: Other stuff for people outside of PG: *will update when I do not get lazy*
If you make a sig with my name in the center with a picture of Fox or Falco from Smash Brothers Melee somewhere, I'd pay you nicely.
Hey there, reg! How much are your signatures? I would love to buy it. I'm looking at like 1.5k points?
2k sounds good. Might want to edit your post and write that in though just so others don't get confused. As for colors, I like blue, orange, black, and white.
I'll purchase one, Just with the name Mr. Rogers and whatever your creative mind sees fit to put in the background.
I'm saving my points for my prop kill contest, so I won't be getting one until next month. But if you wanna keep one in storage until I pay my points, I just need the impossible triangle incorporated into the signature you make.