Denied Storm Dango's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Storm Dango, Jun 1, 2016.

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  1. Storm Dango

    Storm Dango New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I'm a new player to TTT and I appealed against an innocent who killed me at the start of the round as an innocent myself. I was then slain for an RDM the round after which makes no sense to me, hence the reason why I'm appealing. In addition, I left the server because I felt it was unfair and didn't realise the consequences until the day after as I found myself banned for 5 days.

    In future, I promise to play fairly and respect the rules and decisions made by the admins of the server. Futhermore, I'd love to be unbanned because I'm both missing out on a fun experience and playing with the community. Please take my appeal into consideration, thanks.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    You were banned for RDM and leave 1st by @Fivecraft

    He will respond when he can, and for future reference your steam ID is : STEAM_0:0:59296818
  3. Fivecraft

    Fivecraft 'The sh*ttiest mod since Guilty' VIP

    Hello @Storm Dango and thank you for taking the time to file this appeal in the report against you, you had replied with a invalid reason to kill a player as when I investigated the report there were no shots fired by the victim around this time nor was there any damage to you around this time to even pass as confusion you had stated you killed the player for aiming their weapon at you as shown below, which is considered KOS on suspicion which is RDM
    Also as you can see in that image you left during your slay on our servers you have to stay the full round you are slain or it is RDM and Leave as shown in the MOTD which appears on your screen every time you join and every time a map changes as well as shown in the image below
    As such I will be Denying this appeal and Locking this appeal if you need more information regarding this our acts that you can kill for are on the forum's rules tab under TTT rules and the MOTD both under 'TRAITOROUS ACTS' and you can also message me on here regarding this have a wonderful day. ^,.,^
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