Stop Offensive names and offensive topics in game

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Sub-Zero, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero VIP

    I joined a game today and all I heard for 20 minutes was a talk about homosexuality. I have no problem with this but come on to have fun. I have gotten into several lobbies where all the talks are about homosexuality. I am not a homophobe or feel that gays are "evil." I just want to have normal talks about the game or something else. Also there have been people on with offensive names that make fun of the LGBT community that I feel should not be allowed. I think that some rule should be made to make people more comfortable and happy to play. If I keep going into games with talks about offensive things that I don't want to hear about, I will stop playing TTT. Thank you!
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  2. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    If these players are expressing these topics in a derogatory way it can be considered harassment and they should be punished accordingly, which is mainly why there's no special rule for it.

    If any players are talking about things that make you uncomfortable to the point it begins ruining your ingame experience, please let a staff member know. I know personally, as well as other staff members, would most likely ask for them to stop before it goes too far. If nothing is being done or cannot be done about it, in cases it may just be a better idea to switch to one of the other 3 servers so you can continue enjoying your time playing TTT.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero VIP

    Thats the rule that should be in play. If people talk about it in a derogatory way. Also even positive LGBT conversations always go down the drain once someone who hates them join in. I would like to just switch servers but it is not fair for the other people in that server.
  4. Hmm the sea if you are referring to me and abraham me and him dont diss on it, Me and him were earlier talking about world wars. We were also talking about history but we were not dissing on gays?
  5. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero VIP

    No I have never heard you guys talk about it. I have just come onto the server for the past 4 times and get caught up into a negative talk about the LGBT. It really grinds my gears when people are so insensitive towards others.
  6. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    The rule already is in play in this case. When it becomes derogatory to any group, it will be considered harassment and the player who is issuing the harassment will be punished for it by our staff. If no staff is on to stop it you'll have to gather evidence and report it like any other case of harassment. I understand your concern and it should never get to the point of where the conversation is forcing people to leave. We treat it exactly like harassment as soon as it becomes derogatory to a group.
  7. Oh okay i was fixing to say we dont' diss we discuss on how people diss the stuff and we just talk how people shouldn't.
  8. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero VIP

    Well I was on the East 2 server and I was being called horrific names while the mods didn't do anything. I told the mods several times and asked the people to stop several times. The mods still didn't do anything and I am heated. I asked so many times to no avail and I feel that nothing was done. I told the mods who did it and nothing happened!!!
  9. Why was that happening sea lol, Who were the mods? That is really fucked up.
  10. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero VIP

    That would have been fine with me but so many people were talking about horrible things against the LBGT community. I was also thrown under the bus when I told people to stop. The mods did nothing and went on to keep playing the game.
  11. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero VIP

    It was Urisk and Chii. I am not saying that anyone would have done a better job or anything but something needed to be done. Urisk stopped it at first but then it started after the map change. I was called horrific things from several people and the mods didn't do anything. So many people heard and I finally figured out how to mute the kids. They then sent a few PMs which I posted. I am still mad that the mods did not stop the abuse.
  12. Hmm that does seem really messed up. That could literally make someone rage quit and never come back. This really needs to be dealt with lol. No reason to discriminate.
  13. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    It's possible urisk and Chii were caught up in other things and dealing with multiple things at once and couldn't get to your issue. We often have to deal with multiple reports and issues, and sometimes that can lead to us missing things. If they're not busy, I suggest notifying them of the report you made as they were online when it happened. We'll do our best to get any harassment issues resolved.
  14. Yeah chii is a hard worker. I haven't really seen urisk in action, but yeah but still that is messed up.
  15. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero VIP

  16. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Despite it not being in the rules directly and it gets me a lot of abuse, i will always mute or gag anyone who is rude or offensive.
  17. Things like this don't happen often (atleast when I play) but I was on at the time with Sea and it was really annoying.
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  18. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero VIP

    Thank you for that! I am not saying it happens all the time but for the last few times it has. It gets incredibly annoying.