Denied Squisher's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Squisher, Jun 24, 2017.

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  1. Squisher

    Squisher VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Global On TTT​
    Why you should be unbanned:
    So basically i was banned for "Spam and harassment" for two weeks. Sadly the staff chose to listen to a user who lied over and over and since most of you staff dislike me i was banned and he was unbanned. I understand he made his appeal and told lies but thats not my business.

    Ive come here to tell you that i dont deserve a 2 week ban for this. Spud aka DolphinPoo told you i did all the harassing which is complete lies and the staff that was on knows it. Agent A knows it.

    I admited to my actions I did which were not much the only serious thing I feel I did was unintentionally "spam" it was not directed to ruin other players gameplay and it was not directed to disrupt the server in anyway. I was trying to be polite and seeing the video I understand how bad it is which I did not realise at the time.

    I apologized for my actions and would like to me unbanned since I honestly didnt do much anyhow.
    I also ask that the admin Guilty-Crown does not respond or handle this appeal considering he dislikes me and or ill bring favortism in to his hands.
    I ask Agent A and or another admin to handle this thank you.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    In this screenshot he was "falsely banned"
    but on my profile contained all the screenshots of him directing hate and harassment. Also on his appeal his ban was lifted he got reported again on the forums with a video of him lying to the staff again rdming someone for no reason and or i see "loopholing" and I ask you believe someone that lied to you twice and got away the first time. You falsely banned me. I dont ask you to lift my ban i ask you to shorten it a lot.

    So it comes to question you'd believe someone who lied instead of someone providing evidence and honesty to you i came completely clean and told you all the truth.

    He then later had one of his friends come harass me and direct a bunch of hate on his OWN appeal. [​IMG]

    In this next screenshot Agent A mentions that spud did harass me and did direct hate towards me as well as his friends and then lied on his appeal saying he did not tell me anything

    I want to clarify to the staff that I did not continue to harass him and I did not target him over and over I told him one thing and one thing only
    He says in his report that "Squisher was doing all the harassing and being abusive towards me" Sadly the only thing I did say was you're "retarded"
    He later in the game told me "Squisher do you not get enough attention at home so you come and get it on the internet"
    So it goes to say that He lied to himself and the staff about "not harassing anyplayer" Guilty quotes "Again, this isn't the first time you've been punished for this kind of toxic behavior before and there are other pieces of evidence that demonstrates your problems of adhering to our rules. Instead of pointing fingers at other players, it's time that you take responsibility for each of your actions." I believe i did very few and dont deserve this kind of ban.
    So in this link/report it shows DolphinPoo AKA Spud breaking rules and lying to staff members of him loopholing and im not sure if he was banned but he got unbanned the day he is breaking rules again
    I ask for the staff to review my evidence unban me or atleast shorten my ban a week. I thank you for reading this appeal and reviewing it. Ill will respond as soon as I can if there are further questions.​
  2. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver


    I will be prefacing this by stating that the situation with Spud in regards to his ban being given and lifted was handled by @Agent A for his own reasons. That has nothing to do with why you were banned. @Spud did not lie about his actions in regards to what led up to his ban in the report made by you, but rather acknowledged it as you can see in his own appeal he made later on.

    Now let's compare that to the report on you and see what is different from this and the other. For starters, you didn't acknowledge the spam, which refer to points announcements and seeing who could give you more points. This announcement going on for several minutes and even getting you punished on more than one occasion. You were previously banned for it also by me on the vanilla server back on the 12th. Other staff members have also punished you for spamming those kinds of messages before. The report only solidified the reason why the punishment should be more severe in comparison to the average length for spam. Whenever you were punished, you would demand to be ungagged and if you weren't, you would resort to these kinds of actions.


    Now for the harassment/toxic behavior. This is an area where you tend to respond in a hostile manner and even insult other players when something happens that you goes against your style. Examples such as these show how you act on our servers. Not to mention that you've been punished on more than one occasion for harassing others players through these kinds of terms as well as using homophobic slurs. The toxic behavior can even be exhibited in your gameplay, which I will be providing an example of as well as the image and link provided by another player. Examples of these show your attitude as well as toxic gameplay. Some of which, can also be seen in the very same report ruled to be valid against you.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And finally, why I made the ban at its respective length was due to your overall problem of not learning from your mistakes and only making more issues for the people around you and in return, the staff as well. This going doubly so when you get banned for the same kinds of offenses more than once (either spam or harassment). We believe firmly in second chances, but when you act the way you do without learning from your mistakes, it makes it hard to display any form of sympathy towards the way you act on our servers. Instead of acknowledging your problems fully, you still choose to point fingers at someone else for your ban as we can see directly from your own reason why you should be unbanned. Like I said in the valid report against you, it's time you take responsibility for your actions.

    Edit: Just a note as well, this ban was not made from my own decision alone as other admins had agreed as far as giving you the time off from our servers.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
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