Denied Spunky's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ⚜ Spunky ⚜, Jun 21, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was allegedly banned for harassment. I was rdmed twice in a map, so i got revenge, got slayed, the user whom rdmed me 2 times didn't, staff said that there no concrete evidence even though cake (a mod) had the logs but once zigles came along, she no longer had them. i argued against that and was global banned for 56 days? this doesn't appeal to me what so ever. Some people don't know the true meaning of harassment, a lot of these people think that being harassed is being in an argument, Grow up. Now id like to say sorry for me allegedly harassing you zigles. \Harassment: aggressive pressure or intimidation/ Aggressive? Didn't change my tone of voice once, didn't swear at the staff once. I argued like anyone else would, i was gagged 2 times for speaking the truth which was what they asked for, yes zigles asked for me to explain myself, i started to explain myself, mid way of explaining i get gagged? I don't even care about this whole rdm situation anymore, im making this appeal for some staff that need to learn what harassment truly is and not just take it as a joke... Im sorry if i offended you in anyway zigles, truly feels like i didn't but some people are sensitive and mellow i guess, i learned my mistake and it wont happened again. Thanks for ur time - Spunk Meister <3
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Globally banned on all servers ^^ all serious gmod servers**
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  3. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    I have seen this and will gather my evidence and make my post shortly
  4. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Okay so let's get right into this shall we. I was getting ready to hop onto a server when my moderator Cake, asked me to come to West 1 because she would like some help dealing with some toxic players. I immediately pressed record and hopped onto the server. I got on and all seemed fine, just a few reports as I joined on Datmap during round 3. I saw 2 reports by one player against ArbysSandwich. In this report, Arby killed a player 8 seconds into the round, his reasoning was that he watched the player prop kill someone. The logs supported this claim as someone did die to the world 3 seconds prior. The player who was shot by Arby did not listen and proceeded to argue with me.

    This arguing seemed to incite you to begin talking about Arby as well. At first you started off respectful, asking about it and telling me he RDM'd you twice and was not slain for it then left. I told you I would look into it but I needed to know what map and what round as the old logs are rather large and sifting through tons of rounds looking for 2 specific instances is quite difficult. I pm'd you and asked you to provide me with the map and round as you can see here

    You proceeded not to reply and I asked you over and over again until finally after 4 or 5 times of repeating myself you stated in voice chat, "Why don't you ask Cake they should have all the information if he or she is doing their job." and then proceeded to argue with me over Cake doing her job even though I was offering my help to you at the exact same time. Instead of helping me you proceeded to berate and insult Cake in the voice chat. I then gagged you because you continued to talk about how easy it is to be a moderator and how, "it's not that hard to type slay."

    I asked you then to type out the entire story of what happened and how he RDM'd you and again asked what map and what round. You said this
    and told me how he then said he was going to make an appeal then left. And that Cake slayed him then removed the slay. Finally you told me the map it was on but didn't remember the round. However, you seem to have some misconceptions about how the logs work. When we view the logs we don't write them down or copy them or anything, the server saves them automatically but we don't have them on our desks or anything like that. However, you gave me the map so I went through all 6 rounds on that map and found that you had actually RDM'd twice. In round 2 you had shot someone with a deagle unprovoked and then had gunned down Arby when he was your T buddy. I talked with Cake and confirmed with her that she had not slain you for shooting the player with the deagle. While relaying all of this information and handling other player complaints and reports and doing some other bans on the side for a lead admin, I made an error and conveyed to you that you had crowbarred someone in round 1 of canyon. That was my mistake however I did correct myself and apologized. Here are the logs that I found from the map canyon.

    I told you after looking through the logs that there is no concrete evidence that Arby had RDM'd you. Instead I saw the 2 offenses of RDM by you. I did see that you were killed by the world in round 3 and that could be where he pushed you to your death. However, since the logs didn't credit him with the kill, there was no evidence that I could use to know it was him 100%. If he had reported me, I would have had no evidence to back up my ban and that would have negative repercussions against me as it could be seen as me abusing my power.

    So after confirming with Cake that she had only slain you once, I slayed you twice for your second offense of RDM seeing as you RDM'd twice on Canyon in 2 separate rounds, and were only slain once. After arguing with me about it and trying to belittle me by focusing on me saying that you had crowbarred him when you had actually shot him with a deagle, which was a mistake that I did not do on purpose, you insulted Cake again and myself on our staffing capabilities. I had let it slide before but since you were consistently insulting our abilities I took the liberty to warn you for harassment for the first time.

    After threatening to report me on the forums and stating that you had been recording, I told you I had been recording the whole time as well. You took it as a challenge and kept telling me I hadn't been there that long, first you told me I had been on for 10 minutes, then you revised it to 18 minutes. However my recording stated it had been just over 30 minutes and granted I probably should have let you believe what you wanted instead of opposing you, but I told you I had been on for 30 minutes and you called me a liar which, as seen in the screenshot, is not true as the recording is over 30 minutes in at the moment you stated I had been on the server or 18 minutes. I could have used this occurrence to warn you for harassment a second time, but I let it slide.

    You then proceeded to insult me and bad mouth me to the whole server over voice chat again after I had warned you for harassment once. If necessary I can post that part of the video. I gagged you and warned you for your second offense of harassment instead of kicking you which I could have done but used my discretion as an admin to just give you another warning as I hoped that after 2 warnings you would tone it down at least.

    The last straw was after that second warning, you took to name calling.

    I checked your adminstats and saw that you have accumulated quite the number of bans recently, 2 of which being for harassment in just over a month. Seeing this, I used my discretion to ban you globally or 8 weeks as it seems you needed some time off of our servers to cool down.

    I will await your response before making a final verdict

  5. I indeed do apologize for my behavior, as i said i got frustrated with this mess. Im not going to start talking about my personal life (lol), But its been stressful lately, Those bans where all put upon me due to my horse play and my argumentation topics upon some staff, i am truly sorry if i offended any of you, this will not happen again. My dearest apologies!, also not going to bother with revenge rdm's anymore due to it causing a huge mess. Thank-you for your time zigles!
  6. Gary

    Gary Member

    2 months is very excessive for a "cooling off" period
  7. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Alright well I understand that you were upset and frustrated, but you did spend the better part of an hour arguing with staff over a report that could not be solved due to it being word vs word. I tried explaining it to you but you wouldn't have it and insisted I was in the wrong. You also have 2 active bans and 10 in the past month alone so I will be denying this appeal. You may come back when your ban expires.

    Appeal: Denied
    Thread: Locked

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