Approved Spud's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Spud, Jun 23, 2017.

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  1. Spud

    Spud VIP

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was falsely reported for harassment by a toxic player who was instead harassing me and other players and selectively screenshotted certain parts of conversation between myself and others to paint it as though I was harassing them. I love this server and want to continue playing on it for the limited time I have free over the summer. This is not a reason why I should be unbanned but provides greater context into why I'd like to be unbanned.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I've reported the player who was harassing me and lead to my ban here. That thread contains a lot more information regarding the situation and how Squisher was abusive to myself and other players.

    @irritatingness witnessed and noted the false KOS on myself and was online when I first came on to the server. I had previously asked him to get Squisher to stop harassing me so he will have potentially witnessed that I was, in fact, a victim
    @Loan Shark was a victim of the harassment and potentially witnessed my innocence
    Both Korean Queen - steamid is STEAM_0:1:37750197 and 1940's Mob Boss - steamid is STEAM_0:0:88186450 were online and witnessed Squisher harassing me while I tried to defend myself.

    Overall, it's hard for me to provide 'evidence of innocence' as the ban was for '
    Group Trolling/Harassment' which I simply do not believe I have done; it is hard to defend oneself without knowing the evidence that seemingly proves me guilty of it. The only evidence I have seen was that posted by 'Squisher' which was taken out of context and does not actually show me 'Group Trolling' and harassing. His report was false in the same vein as if I took a screenshot of someone jokingly saying to his friend "haha you're dumb" then screenshotted just that message out of context and reported him for harassing players. One of Squisher's pieces of 'evidence', for example, was a screenshot of me KOSing him ( although he may now delete it as this is a link to it on his own profile). This is completely out of context and trying to make it look as though I was harassing him when it was a valid KOS following him falsely kosing me and accusing me of pushing him off the ledge (the incident witnessed by irritatingness). If that player then ends up banned, as I was in this similar situation, it would be wrong as the evidence was simply false. At the very least, I would greatly appreciate knowing the reason for my ban on a deeper level than 'Group Trolling/Harassment' - what part of my behaviour was considered to be such and what evidence of such behaviour was used? With that knowledge it'd be much easier to defend myself as I'd actually know what charge I'm defending myself from.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  2. Hyper ✿

    Hyper ✿ peace lata VIP Bronze

    You were banned globally by @Agent A for "Group Trolling/Harassment". Please be patient as they gather their evidence.
  3. Spud

    Spud VIP

    Yes, I saw that on the page. I'm just not quite sure what is meant by it as I don't believe myself to have actually been doing so and haven't seen any valid evidence that I have. While it seems rather unconventional to gather evidence for a punishment after already handing it out, I'm happy to wait patiently; I just wanted to write my appeal while I had the time and before it's too late so I can hopefully get back to playing sooner than 14 days.

    Thank you for your response.
  4. Bruh. here come dat boi with his 10/10 reply. In no FUCKING WAY was spud harassing that cunt, he was harassing him first and as spud tried to defend himself squisher began to move to other targets of his goddamn harassment, me being one of dem bois, lil squishy boi's report shouldve never been marked valid because he was the unholy cause of this unwarranted harassment towards many players in the server and he shouldve the been the slag to get banned, not good ol' spudderoo cos hes a good boy and always obeys my orders and then gets his doggo treats. so yes, spuddy should be unbanned cos he a sexy muthafuka legit and squisher is that gay bitch who always gets away with everything because hes gay and peoples think gays are innocent but its all #fakenews
  5. Just Spuds Unreleased statement passing through -
    suck my dick you fucking retarded piece of shit faggot and go die in a hole you low IQ orangutang cuntmuncher eats your own mumma queefs when u suck ur dads cum outta her pussy bitch ass motherfucker, how tf you gon ban me for no reason then search for the evidence afterwards you backwards piece of shit lil bitch if this was caveman time i'da clubbed the shit outta your bitch ass then raped yo cavehoe ass, you lucky we got smart people running the justice system cause spastics like you ruin this country #MakeSeriousGMODGreatAgain
  6. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    Alright. Let me explain something. I banned you because of this report. I extended the original ban because of this report along with their actions in-game. Because of your actions, Korean Queen and 1940's Mob Boss both followed the suit as well. Even if other people are harassing you, it does not give you the right to harass back. What you should've done is record/screenshot Squisher's action and report him or contact a staff member to deal with him. Furthermore, you were also using slurs towards people in-game as well based on the screenshots Squisher provided.

    As for Squisher's report, @Guilty-Crown will be handling it.

    I'm going to let you explain your actions.
  7. Spud

    Spud VIP

    Thank you for the clarification. To be clear, you extended my ban due to the actions of others that I had no influence on? Apart from my playing on the same server as them last night, I had never met Korean Queen or 1940's Mob Boss before and did not instruct them to chat spam or engage in any harassment back at the player harassing them; at no point did I chat spam or encourage it and, in fact, I find it frustrating myself as it takes away from the ability to play the game properly as you cannot trade information or commands (such as KOSes) when people are spamming the chat (or micspamming, as Squisher was doing). To that end, I hope you can see that I am not to blame for Korean Queen or 1940's Mob Boss's actions and consider that it may be unfair to punish me further for the actions of others I had no control over.

    Yes, I was using slurs towards my friends and players I was joking around with having 'banter'. No player raised issue with this except for Squisher who seemingly had an issue with me joking around with my friends in this obscene manner. I apologise if such language is not allowed regardless of who it's directed at and hope you understand it was not my intention to hurt or use slurs towards players in anything more than a friendly manner with those I knew would be OK with it by way of relationship or their own previous use of such language. The player who reported me, Squisher, was himself using slurs too such as ableist insults towards me (which, unlike my own use, was not in a joking manner but rather offensively calling me 'retarded') but that is a matter for my report.

    I understand that I should not have responded to Squisher when he was harassing me and should've instead alerted a moderator/administrator. However, I had attempted to do so in the first place by asking @irritatingness to warn him but he left before it worsened. Also, for most of my time on the server there was no admin/moderator online and I am unsure how I would go about contacting one and asking them to deal with it when there are none present on the server. I understand that I should not 'harass back' when Squisher was harassing me but, as clearly evidenced by his own screenshots, I infact asked him to stop harassing me and had asked a moderator to step in when one was online - he continued to harass me and filed a false report leading to my ban. In what way, might I ask, was my behaviour considered harassing towards Squisher? Is it harassment to ask another player to stop harassing me?

    I apologise for my general behaviour such as using slurs, even in a joking manner towards friends, if it cause offense to others. I also apologise for not responding appropriately to Squisher's harassment and instead 'taking the bait' so to speak. I hope at the very least you might reconsider blaming me for the actions of Korean Queen and 1940's Mob Boss so my original ban length can be reinstated or, hopefully and with great appreciation if possible, I might be unbanned fully if the situation can be cleared up.

    Thank you for your response, I'll be happy to provide any additional information or answer any further questions.
  8. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    Even if you are not aware of your actions on other people, actions have consequences whether we like it or not. Furthermore, it's the fact that you repeatedly said it with intent to target back at Squisher. With that being said, I will accept this ban appeal. You have taken time to explain your side and showed respect. I'll give you benefit of doubt. However, the ban will not be voided.

    Appeal: Accepted
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