Denied Spoderman™'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Spoderman™, Jun 30, 2014.

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  1. Spoderman™

    Spoderman™ New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    My Name was an indirect Statement, not aimed towards these server admins
    Evidence of Innocence:
    My Friends name was TheseAdminsBlowCock and the admins said that was fine, but my name wasn't apparently, i cannot see the difference, and also, Fever tried to make my friend change his name because his name was Bloo, and there was another person named BlueSky.​
  2. Slicck

    Slicck Advisor VIP Silver

    Hi there, you were banned by me for 8 hours for the following:
    - Harassment towards a fellow mod
    - Being asked multiple times to change your name because it was too similar to another player's

    I came on the server to find @fever fairly stressed because of you and a couple of people harassing her. You kept coming into the game with multiple names that were personal attacks against the fellow mod. You were warned multiple times, and then finally banned for 8 hours for being warned to change your name. Personally, I think the ban should have been a day for harassment, but I still banned you for 8 hours since the mod you were harassing was able to not find it too offensive.

    Here, you can see all the previous names you have had that you were warned for.


    Aside from that, you were also continuously instigating things against the staff that was currently on, and passive aggressively trying to loophole a way to change your name in a way that it would be similar enough to another player's but still allowed.

    I think you were let off easy with this ban, wait it out.

    Ban appeal

    This appeal will be locked in an hour.
  3. Spoderman™

    Spoderman™ New Member

    Oh Of course Slickk is going to reply, the admin who banned me, and the only reason i changed my name so many times was because she was making him change his name because someones name was similar, That is complete Bullshit, you shouldnt have to kick someone for accidentally having the same name, but instead, just deal with it.
  4. Spoderman™

    Spoderman™ New Member

    And one more thing, i only joined the game as the following Steam Names: Feveriscorupt, and TheServerAdminsBlowFatCock, so in theory, i only had one offense name, and i did change it, you just dont want to be proven wrong by a simple Non-Admin, and i would like to speak to a different admin instead
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Appeal Denied.
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