We need a spectator bot. Something that is always spectating every single player that at least staff members / admins+ can access. Maybe even a website where anyone can access it. I just randomly came up with this idea so sorry that it's not very fleshed out.
There's already SourceTV, Highwon could activate that. https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SourceTV But honestly, I think it just needs to have tv_autorecord enabled. That way, we have a directory full of the demos for each map. We can go through them and play the demos as if we were really spectating, go forward & backwards in time, and see what really happened if needed. This also means hackers are always vulnerable to getting caught if they think no one is spectating them.
+1 also great for if suspected of hacks etc. Plus its like a separate thing that if full you could still watch etc.
-1 I feel then your private messages are no longer private. I think that this is a invasion of privacy. This is something that would make me paranoid of the server. Anyway its a slippery slope from here be careful.
We wouldn't be looking at private messages. We would be merely spectating player's actions in game as well as their voice input. Currently, there is no set-in-stone way to gather voice chat as evidence for anything.
I would definitely like this to be implemented. SourceTV would seriously help the staff if we ever needed evidence to get against another player. +1
Yeah not sure how much space things like that would take up (after 36 players x 4 servers perhaps a lot after a good few maps, however maybe just set it to delete after X amount of days if not needed. usually I dont see to many things reported from like a week ago lol.
PLEASE get this plugin, iv been thinking about this plugin for awhile now. It can help people who have acidntly prop killed/rdmd some one and didn't realize and would rather see the event happen than just some text from a dmg log, for example i accidentally prop killed someone today by barley moving the door in front of the lighthouse with the spiral staircase (I dont know that name of the map) and while il accepted the slay the next round because i believe the mod didn't make it up i would of liked to had a recording so i could see for myself.
To be fair, it's better than him creating a second topic on the same thing, and his response did contribute to the discussion. I'll allow it.