Specification for the Basic "Killing an innocent is traitorous and KOSable" Rule

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Edge, Jun 22, 2015.

  1. Edge

    Edge New Member

    I was recently in a sticky situation that I believe could be easily avoided in the future, but there may need to be a tweak to the basic "killing an inno is traitorous/KOSable" rule.

    An innocent and I were in the T-tester room on 67th way when another innocent blatantly broke the tester. I proceeded to kill the tester-breaker for committing a traitorous/KOSable act, upon which IDing the body found out that the person was innocent. The other innocent player in the room who saw this occur, killed me, due to the fact that I killed the innocent, even though the innocent just committed a KOSable act in front of us.

    I don't know if I'm crazy, but I do not think that it should be KOSable to kill someone who commits a traitorous act, even if they are innocent (especially if the person who kills you saw the innocent perform the traitorous act). I feel as if discretion should be the proper response used rather than blindly following the rule as if it is black and white.

    If this is already a rule than I apologize and I suppose I will have to make an admin complaint, as in that case the situation was handled very poorly by the staff at the time. However, it's not a huge deal and I doubt it'll come to that.

    Thank you! I'd appreciate any responses.
  2. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Killing an innocent, whatever the case leading up to him being killed may be, is always a Traitorous act unless you're a Detective
    There is no way to see what the person who killed you saw, so all they have to do is say that you killed an inno, which by the rules is a T act, and they're free
    Although this is an example of toxic gaming, there's nothing a staff member can do in this situation
  3. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    This is a bit of a tricky situation. Because it doesn't show in the logs if someone breaks the traitor tester, it becomes a word vs word situation unless a staff member saw it happen. If no staff member saw it happen, they cannot take one person's side over the other and therefore a slay cannot be issued.
  4. Edge

    Edge New Member

    Hi! Thanks for responding. I agree it's a tricky situation and logs don't show situations like this, however in this case it was done by staff member of STTT. I wasn't upset about it but I would have appreciated some sort of remorse or a self-slay. As Python said, it's an example of toxic gaming and it kinda takes away from the game if the staff takes advantage of situations like this.
  5. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    This is a bit above my head then. I would suggest that if you feel as if it was problematic to your enjoyment on the servers, that you use this list to figure out who the staff member works under and talk with the staff member and their superior about it. It could have been something as simple as a little misunderstanding and the 3 of you can figure it out together.
  6. Edge

    Edge New Member

    It was just a little misunderstanding, but it got super duper blown out of proportion for a couple reasons (this happened off the forums). At this point, I'm okay with the thread being closed if a global rule tweak doesn't make sense for STTT.
    Thank you. :)
  7. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    What Python said sums it up perfectly. We do not have it as a rule because unless we were first-person spectating we cannot see if the player who killed you saw the innocent commit the traitorous act before you killed him, and also we do not know if the first player killed had a reason to commit the traitorus act.

    Consider this situation, you're in the t-tester room and a T sets a c4 and closes and locks the door. Player A is oblivious to this because he is looking at the tester or talking to player B. Player C hears the c4, realizes the door is locked, and then dangerous destroys the tester in an attempt to save himself and players A and B. Now, Player B saw him destroying the tester and then heard the c4 and realized what he was doing and let him be. Player A still hasn't heard the c4 so kills player C. Now Player B has just witnessed Player A kill an innocent who was trying to save their lives. Player B kills Player A for killing the innocent.

    Point being that sometimes players have a reason to do a traitorous act, but a T will use any opportunity to kill an inno and make it seem like it was a valid reason. I can't count how many times as a T I've killed or kos'd an inno over the smallest of T-acts and then been caught and killed for it.

    To sum up my points, here at STTT you take a risk every time you fire your gun. Not every player know your reasons or will belive you when you say them. Not every player believes someone should be killed for a small T-act. It is frustrating, but the T's would have a much easier time of winning if this rule was changed as you suggested.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Players that contuously commit traitorous acts as innocents just to troll can be punished as such; a troll.

    This can be situations like breaking the tester as innocent, calling yourself a traitor as an innocent, t baiting without any reason just to get killed, breaking HP stations. Basically committing any traitorous act continuously as an innocent with no reason other than to troll or intentionally lower another player's karma.