Sorry for doing this.

Discussion in 'Farewells' started by Alpha Wolfy, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    Hello fellow members of Serious TTT. it brings me great sadness to have to say," I am resigning from my current position as moderator on these great servers." Reason why, I feel that I have been doing terrible as a moderator and that resigning right now will only help me in the future so i don't end up like other demoted moderators who's bonds to the community broke right when it happen. I don't want that to happen to me. I am also resigning for other unknown factors that i wouldn't like to disclose. I also feel very unhappy recently while I was moderating. I haven't lost the drive to moderate, I just need a break in being a moderator to focus on life and other things.( And school has been starting to be a pain in the ass these last few months) I love every single one of you with a passion and this will be the right thing to do so I don't end up leaving the community with a bad taste. (Edit: Just noticed I put this in Alphabetical Order. :facepalm: )

    @Anarchist You are the reason why I have had my moderator position for almost 3 months now. I can not thank you enough for how much you have given me. You were my mentor during my t mod days and a loyal friend for about 4 months now. Just thank you for everything you've done. : )

    @ant. Remind me to never approach you as a traitor again ;)

    @Armor Ah, one of the first people I trained as a newly promoted moderator. I am proud to see you back on the team. I hope you stay on the team longer than your first time though. Keep your head high, Buddy.

    @AvalonTreman You were a complete joy to moderate with under Disruptionz. Good Luck with that irl stuff.

    @Change-up Can I still call you "The Booty?" ( :sneaky: ). Jokes aside, Continue to aspire as a moderator while I am gone.

    @Chubblebutt | SF When I get silver 4 in cs go, I am gonna rekt you like there is no tomorrow( Eventually.)

    @Darth West You were a wonderful trainer when I was a trial moderator and a great moderator to staff with while I was a moderator. Please still be a moderator when I come back again. :cry:

    @DemonicSociety That night on teamspeak was great. I have never laughed as hard as I have before.

    @Disruptionz My first administrator who picked me. I can't tell you how happy I was when I was picked up as a trial moderator. Along the road, it has been bumpy but you were a great administrator to have. and stayed with me through thick and thin. Thank you, papa.

    @Event Horizon I have @loafabread on speed dial. :sneaky: Anyways, keep working on that kick ass music of yours and continue to lead this community in a positive direction.

    @Guilty Trained me for vanilla during the trial phase. I am still the prince of vanilla. :sneaky:

    @Highwon Running these wonderful servers and having such a great staff team staff the servers.

    @kynwall <3. sorry i have to leave you. We are still good right? ;_;

    @Linkthedinosaur I loved moderating with you. You were a great staff member to be with under Disruptionz. I hope we get to be on the same team again.

    @Machinekiller00 >/3

    @Mr Butters It was great getting to train you and see the moderator you turned out to be.

    @Muffin Great moderator for your time and a good administrator to moderators that i would call admins in the future.

    @Nena Nena-chan :sneaky:

    @Rice Glad I was able to hear you speak finally before I leave. Take care of Nena while I'm gone.

    @Silent Rebel Thanks for giving me VIP +. Me and highwon can now go swimming in all that money you donated to the community members.

    @Sinz Continue to lead this community in the direction its going along with Event Horizon. ( Also, #blowupsniz)

    @Squirtle It was an honor to meet you. You have got to be one of my top 3 friends here. You actually played CS GO with me when others didn't want to. ("COUGH..Anarchist.."COUGH")

    @tollybear you were a great friend to play with on the servers back during the summer.

    @Wolfbane Ah, the trial moderator that I put my most time into. You were such a joy to train while you were a t mod and hopefully some of my positive traits rubbed off on you. You are gonna do great things as a moderator.

    @Zigles Thanks for giving me those specific situautional rdm lessons.

    If I did not tag you, that doesn't mean You didn't stand out to me. Pretty much everyone in this community has had an effect on me, some positive some negative.
    My time for moderator is over for now. That doesn't mean I will never come back in the future. And I promise: [​IMG]
    (Edit: 2 week resignation too OP, Just gonna lock this forget this ever happened ;) )
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
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  2. Nooooo
    dont go pls
    who said you were bad :(
  3. Blake

    Blake Respect VIP

    You were a fantastic moderator Wolfy, and a great example of our staff.

    Come back soon friend :cry:
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  4. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    No tag, no tears.

    • Funny Funny x 2
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  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Koba

    Koba Give your all VIP Emerald

    • Agree Agree x 1
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  7. 4sea

    4sea VIP

    I will be waiting for when you come back!
    They always come back!

    make sure you come back.. :cry:
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  8. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    Bye. (Runs away, kicking and screaming).
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  9. AnarkisT

    AnarkisT ★ No Gods, No Masters. ★ VIP Silver Emerald

    WHAT? NO! WOLFY ;_:
    Will edit when I stop crying

    Stopped crying,
    Wolfy, you were like, litterally, My mod BFF, It was an honor to be able to train and staff alongside you for such a long time. I'm so glad to see you turned out as such a fantastic moderator (Duh, I trained you). Its really been a fun time friend. I swear on me mum, if you don't come back one day, I will find you, and bit your ears off (Rawr). Vanilla, and I, will miss you. <3
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2014
    • Winner Winner x 2
  10. ShadowStorm

    ShadowStorm Acting from the Shadows... VIP

    :cry: No, no, no, no, no! You better come back.

    They always come back.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  11. kwasaznik

    kwasaznik VIP

    Wolfy your were my friend, why would you put me through this. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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  12. But.....But....:cry::cry::cry:
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  13. Chubblebutt

    Chubblebutt I'm Back.

    You can do it. Well maybe. I miss you man. I miss you.

    Cya around?
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    I will miss seeing you as a mod >/3. I hope to see you as staff again.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  15. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    No, why you have to leave ;_;

    Wolfy you are one of the best mods SeriousTTT has ever and would like to say enjoy your time off and hope to see you as mod again!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  16. Linkthedinosaur

    Linkthedinosaur Self Proclaimed Master of the No Scope VIP

    Ehhhhh... Maybe it was for the better.
    • Dumb Dumb x 8
  17. Linkthedinosaur

    Linkthedinosaur Self Proclaimed Master of the No Scope VIP

    JOKING. Sad to see you go, but you better not leave the server all together. I will always remeber the good times we had staffing together.
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
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  18. Darth West

    Darth West I am Darth West, Dark Lord of the Sith. VIP

    Its a shame to see you leave, you did a fine job Wolf. I think I know why this happened. *cough* Link *end cough* told @ThatBox about the members of the council. Now he is targeting all the members. I will avenge you Wolfe, I WILL AVENGE YOU.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  19. Armour

    Armour Ok. VIP

    You'll always be cyan in my heart.

    They always come back...right?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  20. Wolfbane

    Wolfbane Music Has saved my life VIP

    ; -; but but but butb ubtubtubt but thebutt :C

    I'll miss you :C it was great being trained by you ; -; I will carry the wolf mod tribe strong
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