I was thinking about this today, and wanted to post this. So what's your favorite fight scene from any movie or TV show? Mine is this one, at about 2:45 is when it starts:
I really enjoyed the fight Christian and Anna have at the end of 50 Shades lol. Seriously, though, I really enjoyed the hilarious hotel fight scene from that one Rush Hour movie lol.
To many to pick a favorite But I'd have to say anything with dwayne "theRock" johnson no matter how shitty good his movies are. Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?!
Since I'm a huge Marvel fan (like I've been reading the comics since I was like 6 years old) The Captain America Vs. Iron Man Vs. Thor fight scene in The Avengers scene made me yell in excitement. I love Iron Man so much too.
Watching Banshee and almost forget this craziness. Spoiler: Banshee season1ep6 also another Banshee scene Spoiler: Banshee season3ep3