SmokePaprika Ghosting in Private Message.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Koishi, Jun 17, 2014.

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  1. Koishi

    Koishi Killer Queen VIP

    Name of Player: SmokePaprika

    SteamID of Player: STEAM_0:1:64056066

    Server: East 1.

    Time of Occurrence: At around 23:00 (Singapore time, SGT Timezone.)

    Reason For Report: Ghosting in Private Message, trying to prompt me to kill the last Traitor. (I ignored his order and refused to kill the last Traitor.)

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: There were a few witnesses who kept telling SmokePaprika that what he did was ghosting when Smoke repeatedly said he wasn't ghosting and kept asking me to read the !motd even though I clearly know what is Ghosting from my previous Admin experiences. He even challenged me to report him when I told him that ghosting is perma-bannable, so I had to.

    Screenshots (In chronological order) :
  2. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    The reported player have been dealt with, thank you for your report.
  3. SmokePaprika

    SmokePaprika Active Member
    Nowhere on that screenshot of the MOTD does it state that telling someone to "wreck" someone else is illegal. Killing players is part of the game. I don't conceive this as ghosting, as the rules never told me not to do this, nor was I telling Booker that Nova was a Traitor, Innocent, or even a Detective. I was simply saying to "wreck" him, and if that's illegal, it should perhaps be specified in the MOTD.
  4. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    Ghosting is anything that affects gameplay while you're dead. Telling someone in a PM to "wreck" another person while you're dead is definitely ghosting.
  5. SmokePaprika

    SmokePaprika Active Member

    The rules don't state that though, so being banned for a reason that wasn't ever made clear to me, even on the rules which I have read, is ridiculous, if you understand my reasoning. I would definitely understand a warning, and would greatly appreciate having been able to say my piece before being banned.
  6. TheTrueCatMan

    TheTrueCatMan I am the one who knock knocks. VIP

    But by you telling Booker to wreck him, you are interfering with the game. You are giving a living player information that they may not of known. Also please note that it does say in the MOTD "This includes using in-game private chat, admin chat, steam chat, Skype, TeamSpeak, etc." You used in-game private chat to message the player information that he may or may not of had.
  7. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    to be fair, the MOTD's clarifications do not state anything about "Ghosting includes telling alive players anything that affects the outcome of a round"

    On that note, take this as a very strong warning and please avoid this in the future.
  8. The Seventh

    The Seventh Bloom. VIP

    The rules state the basics of that, you even copy+pasted it to him in your private message:
    • Using third party chat to inform player of in-game events they are not yet aware of.
    You notified him that your friend was killed by someone and then told him to kill them. That's an event he was not aware of, and you're leading him to kill someone who did a traitorous act, effectively making him a potential traitor. You're giving away a lot more information than you think by asking him to simply "wreck" him.
  9. Koishi

    Koishi Killer Queen VIP

    You're telling me to wreck Nova, whom you saw kill someone while you were dead, how is that not ghosting when you're telling me something that I am not aware of in-game?
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
  10. SmokePaprika

    SmokePaprika Active Member

    The punishment was already given, and subsequently, taken away, so...
  11. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    @Event Horizon suggested me to ban him and after considering he legitamately did not know what he did was ghosting , he told me to unban him , @SmokePaprika this is your only warning for ghosting and next time will be a global ban from all servers
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