Smith47k Moderator Abuse (Add On) To Bob's post

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by jizzypants, Mar 16, 2014.

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  1. jizzypants

    jizzypants New Member

    Name of Staff/Player: Smith47k

    SteamID of Staff/Player: STEAM_0:0:59942526

    Server: East 2

    Time of Occurrence: 1:07 AM EST

    Reason For Report: (What did he/she do?) - Okay I'm going to get all no this is allowed and because of that Ect..
    But too be honest He's a H O R R I B L E Moderator and I'm sure (meaning I spoke to many others and other players would agree with me), Bob, PieGEEK. He Slay'd me for 3 rounds before I was about to go to bed, along with 3 other players in less than 2 minutes One Being an AFK PieGEEK. I was slay'n for 3 rounds For Telling Krys That He was the last of two inno's and Meaning since there was 6 of us he still could kill on sight be I was giving him a warning to watch out cause I was going to kill him, We'll My T buddies die One being Smith47k, Who doesn't have a name for what I'm being slayed for but Can go ahead with it anyhow cause Hes a mod right ;) NO! >x( That was NOT in the Rules and maybe if it was I wouldn't have said anything since I have been playing this since July 2013 And ALWAYS give People Warnings because I would like a warning that I was the Last Innocent. He clearly Thinks he's on top of the World and Doesn't give a #rap about others. But forgets there is 1 button taking his All Mighty powers. So Please Don't Lock people from commenting on this Thread And DO something about it! Its easy takes to seconds Literally. I play occasionally don't brake rules and Actually know what's on !Motd Better than Smith47k.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses: Cannot really use Picks for this other than the slays but I don't really need any Because if you scroll down 7 Threads you'll notice that I'm not the first One to Actually take my time to right a complaint about this Smith47k. Thanks
  2. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    to be honest you did not ask your other t buddy's at all including me you got all of us killed and that ruined are t round second i was told bye krys to slay you 3 times instead of banning you for 24 hours you caused 3 rdms witch would be a 24 hour ban but krys went easy on you he had told me to just slay you 3 rounds instead of a ban. krys and link can back me up on this
  3. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    As previously stated, if you tell an innocent player that they are they last innocent person or the last of two innocents, if one turns up dead or is proven, then it would be the same as calling a KOS on every other traitor buddy in the game. We have explained to many players that if you want to tell someone that they are the last innocent, each one of your t buddies must agree to it, otherwise you put a KOS on them without their compliance and you caused their death(i.e. Killing your traitor buddies). If you did not receive acknowledgement of your traitor buddies to tell the innocent players that they are they last innocent, you are responsible for each one of those KOS's called on your t buddies and would be slain accordingly.

    In this case, you caused three deaths and were given a lesser punishment by admin discretion.
  4. Krys

    Krys Gives Explosive Hugs VIP

    The MOTD cannot contain every rule for every situation.

    I agree completely with MangoTango, and yes Smith did want to ban you for 24 hours however I felt that was unnecessary and that 3 slays was prefered.
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Considering what you did, I think Smithk47 (that's how you spell his name by the way. Not Smith47k) is in the right here.

    You chose to take the action and tell the innocent that he was the last innocent left without the consent of your buddies and jeopardize your traitor buddies' respective rounds. Your actions got your traitor buddies killed. Those actions alone are the same as calling a KOS on them and getting them killed for what you did as what was previously stated by the other staff members.

    As Krys also mentioned, the MOTD doesn't have every rule listed because it wouldn't fit. It's a given that you never do anything that can get your traitor buddies killed wrongly. One of the rules state that you can't kill your traitor buddies. What you did caused your traitor buddies to get killed by informing the last innocent that he was the last one left on your own volition. That means that you're responsible for killing your buddies and not the innocent.

    In the end, you're responsible for your own actions and if you do something wrong, you pay for it. Don't blame Smithk47 for what you did. At least you didn't get banned.
  6. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    I was also there for this as a T buddy, and it is true that he did not warn.
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Topic locked.

    SmithK has been found not guilty of falsely slaying you.
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