Skins. Yes. Skins

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by change my name, Aug 30, 2017.


What do u think bout this idea?

  1. Yas bitch add it to eu2 and other servers that arent vannila

  2. Meh still needs work but could work with editing

  3. uh... Noooo

  1. Now I know everyone has already thought about skins. Most likley wont happen but ive been thinking on the concept and thought up some good things for skins IF you coded it your own. So what i dont want you to do is just install some shitty csgo skins plugin. The idea i have is SGM skins. Now we can keep all golden skins for aniversary events. But what about having other skins? So first of cases. Or crates? You obtain them at the end of the round and you can buy them in f3. This way people with too many points to count dont only need to buy t rounds because they maxed everything out. So basically u can open crates like first there can be like 5 crates Sgm 1 thru 5 then we could have anniversary crates? Or maybye even special monthly crates? Tryna think outside the BOX here ;) Thats your cringey pun for the day but seriously I think this would add alot of players to the game who dont want to just play for the sake of playing but trying to unlock that legendary skin they always wanted. I mean there are ALOT of skins to work with here and i think you could just steal most designs from csgo and have them as CS:GO skins but with your own twist? And if you wanted to go that extra step to add factory new and mw and ya know the damage tier. Why the hell not? With this why couldnt we add in a trading system aswell? and even a new forum section where u can submit your own skins to be added to the next crate! 5 top skins submitted get put in maybye??? If you think about it this could be developed into the next big thing! and dont make it donator only i mean if you truly wanted to you could make supporter cases and vip cases but nothing to fancy! Maybye like 1 or 2 exclusive skins that have VIP Tattoed to the side of the guns or something?
    Or VIP versions of guns that just have a VIP sticker ya know? but now! Achivement skins! With each gun comes its own achivement which u can unlock an elusive diamond skin with! Now these achivements should be accesible to any player! Lets say deagle for example. 5,000 headshots? with the deagle? im not saying these would be easy at all to get but lets add something in for those pros that always play. *cough* *cough* MiGGo *cough* *cough* Jannpa *cough* *cough* Different guns may vary. Like uhh some are easyer to get than others? This concept could easily be worked on and could be a good way to keep old players coming back into the community! IF you do accept this idea. Or any mentioned in this post. I dont want it to be elite only. If you want it to be elite only then dont use this idea i want it to be fair for all players. Elites can have like i said there few special weapons but that is it!. No more! This is a community of players buying vip is alright but 15 quid/20 dollars a month is ridiculous. Who wants to seriously buy that?

    In conclusion. You get crates by doing good or just randomly at end of rounds. You can open them without anything just open. Trade system for skins must be implemented. And also add them achivement skins for the pros. And the most important. NOT ELITE EXCLUSIVE. Thanks for considering this idea. Let me know if you have any suggestions and ill add them in as edits with credit to you! If i think they're a good idea

    Edit: I think adding cases would be a good idea. Simply because it would give people something to buy instead of just upgrades especially when people have them all maxed out. But achivements are what i really want. I have come up with a new idea. 5 tiers of achivements for each gun. Using the deagle for example again. Tier1- 100 headshots with the deagle Tier2- 500 headshots Tier3-1000 Tier4-2000 Tier 5-5000(this would be the diamond skin)

    -Idea thunk up by ya boi Spoonzy himself
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 5
  2. 4sea

    4sea VIP

    CS:GO used to be a hardly known game. Not many people played the game untill they made one little change: they added skins.
    Now, it's hard to believe that csgo used to be unpopular as it's one of the biggest games there is, and strangely enough it only became the best known game after it added skins. Sadly I can not find the source for this information, but I am very sure that they gained a huge popularity after adding skins feel free to dig around the googles to find this information (and update it here)

    Having said that, adding crates/cases and skins sounds like a huge, huge task. Near impossible next to the list of things that already need help coding. If there is a coder mad enough to attempt this I could see some benefit, but as the servers are still very popular I don't see the need outweigh the time and energy I believe will have to be put into this, if it's even possible.
    It'd be fun to see and I do think it could add an extra element to the sgmod servers, however I also believe that currently the reasons not to take on such a huge project far outweigh the added benefits. This all rests on the belief that this would be very hard to code, if it would even be possible to do so.
  3. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    nice suggestion, but have u heard of these?

    Skins won't happen, at least not until a dedicated graphics artist is picked up, way to much editing in order to add them to all of the weapons.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    It's been done in a place I cannot name & it works incredibly well, including StatTrak.

    If Opal wants to discuss that code then (y)
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    Sounds like an inventory server. Never seemed to quite like those kinds of servers.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. The thing is with the whole skins and cases. That could be implemated later. I just think adding in achivements for headshots/kills would be a very good idea. Im going to do a little update now
  7. 4sea

    4sea VIP

    I usually only reply when there's a few opinions given already so I can read all the sides of the argument and base my decisions on those. I noticed that Acnologia already brought up a few good points of it changing the server somewhat.
    It could turn off a few people if we would implement it on a large scale immediately but if there was a test server, or a new server rolling out where this idea could be tested, seeing that Carned stated this can be done and has already be done, I'd volounteer to test it out.

    I still don't know if the amount of time and energy that would go into the coding would weigh up to the benefits especially since its not a new concept and other servers use it, but I do like the idea!
  8. I still stand by my ideas of cases. But at the same time. I stand by achivements more. And i think achivements would be easier to code. Just when your stats equall a certain amount with a gun. You unlock a skin. all the way up to when u unlock the Diamond skin.
  9. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Achievements can be coded in one evening, but Highwon has unofficially denied them.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Why...
  11. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    I don't know.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Well thats a bit fucked isnt it? Something that would be easy to code yet is unofficialy ruled out? It would add so much re-play abillity to the game? Kinda fucked himself there has highwon. I mean if you think about it people will just get bored of the server after a while. I mean i can bet people like Jannpa and MiGGo would love to unlock something after all those 1 taps. But no.
    Cmon @Highwon jeeeeez
  13. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    It's almost like I made those suggestions almost 4 years ago, for those exact reason.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    but what if like highwon just doesn't want achievements to be added to his server. maybe to him that's a stupid suggestion? as far as skins go, I think I would become one of those people who waste too much time trying to get the super duper awesome rare skins and would ultimately get bored and leave once I have them. csgo has that problem where it's like "oh cool now i've got a $4000 knife, now what do I do? Look at it? I spend a year's income on this stupid model that I could have easily spent on food."

    i guess what i am trying to say s, spend money on food not ttt thanks
  15. Thats not what this is about. Im saying that skins should be free to the whole community that was one of my main points -.-
  16. Boomshakalaka

    Boomshakalaka VIP Bronze

    I also made a quest/achievement suggestion about 2 weeks ago...
  17. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    I know what you said. My post was talking about what happens when you got all the skins. Now you are just an asshole who has all the skins. good idea about skins though I would like to see it.