Approved SK11PPY's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by SK11PPY, May 7, 2018.

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  1. SK11PPY

    SK11PPY Supporter

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    because i have been accused of something i haven't done​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    i got banned by kittyness for 'ghosting' when im playing on my own, i reported a player called alex for RDM, to which he responded with in the in game report 'my friend on steam told me you were a T '
    i asked kittyness to look into it and she said that she is trying to get alex to cpnfess that he is ghosting and to give up who is mate is and she said that she is getting screenshots off him, didnt hear anything from it then i get banned for ghosting which makes no sense​
  2. Ashes Relandi

    Ashes Relandi ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Weeb Admin of TTT Administrator VIP Silver

    Tagging @Kittyness as she banned you for ghosting. Please wait for their response.
  3. Katness

    Katness *Rawr* Imma Kitty Kat! VIP

    I have seen this and will respond shortly thank you for you patience.
  4. SK11PPY

    SK11PPY Supporter

    anytime :)
  5. Katness

    Katness *Rawr* Imma Kitty Kat! VIP

    Hello SK11PY and thank you for taking the time out for me to clarify this. Now I did get in touch with Alex and he did send me this screenshot:

    Can you explain this?
  6. SK11PPY

    SK11PPY Supporter

    why would i tell him in the traitor................... i dont even have him on my steam
  7. SK11PPY

    SK11PPY Supporter

    its photo shopped :'), why would i tell him im the traitor, he was rdming me all the time, if i was messaging him on steam why is there no other messages i'd let you go on my steam and you can go through everything yourself, im not a ghoster, im not a cheater, i dont see any point in it what so ever, what do i gain from ghosting or cheating? i told you it was tam bot he was ghosting with look at his friends list, i cant even open a message to him either, you can see that it the option to block all communication with him isnt on either so i should be able to message him but i cant unless i add him as a friend
    , upload_2018-5-8_0-48-50.png
  8. SK11PPY

    SK11PPY Supporter

    here is the image of the factt it gives me the option to block communication

    Attached Files:

  9. SK11PPY

    SK11PPY Supporter

    also look at the name of the message SK11PPY (2) thats not my account its so easy to make a new account and copy everything
  10. SK11PPY

    SK11PPY Supporter

    this account is level 1 , its friends with tam bot, this account is private, it has my name in recently used aliases, my next post will be a image of my account upload_2018-5-8_0-56-51.png
  11. SK11PPY

    SK11PPY Supporter

    im level 4 and this is my only account, you can see my games and my recently used alisases,
  12. SK11PPY

    SK11PPY Supporter

    this is alexs second account, can someone please respond cause this is stressing me out i love this server :/

    Attached Files:

  13. Rauno

    Rauno   VIP

    There's no point in stressing out over this. You have your side through.

    I'll lock this until @Kittyness can respond. If you have something meaningful to add you can start a conversation with me or Katness.
  14. Katness

    Katness *Rawr* Imma Kitty Kat! VIP

    Ok so SK11PY here is what I am going to do. I am going to take it on good faith that it was faked. What I am willing to do is void out your ban. You will be unbanned. I am not a heartless person and was just going by the evidence presented at the time. I hope that you can see where I was coming from. Please hold no ill will towards me or any other players on the servers as retaliation could be a far worse fate. If you have anything to add or any concerns please feel free to message me either on the forums or steam.

    Appeal: Accepted
    Thread Locked
  15. neutral

    neutral VIP

    Just a FYI, the users that faked the evidence were punished accordingly as well. The evidence was faked, it's pretty clear in that. Lessons were learned.

    I apologize for any inconvenience this caused.
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