Simply ACE report.

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Carson, Dec 1, 2013.

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  1. Carson

    Carson Member

    Name of Staff/Player: Simply ACE

    Server: East
    Time of Occurrence: 1:10(ish) PM -4 GMT

    Reason For Report: The moderator failed to listen to my reason, (I killed him because he was shooting at someone), and slayed me.

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    I had a conversation with Magafe (The person that I killed, also a person who I used to play with on another TTT server), and we discuss the event and he admits he was shooting at someone.
  2. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    You killed me for shooting the person who was sniping you >.<
  3. You need to see he is shooting at.Shooting at other is kosable,just shooting isnt.Logs show me Magafe shooting but didint hit anyone,you were the only that did damage that was to Magafe.
  4. Carson

    Carson Member

    He was shooting at someone. I explained this. If he was hitting the person or not, it is still KOSable.
  5. Well as you say at the photo you post you kill him for killing the detective so as i see you kill him for "killing the detective" thing he didint do.
  6. Carson

    Carson Member

    At no point did I say I killed him for killing the detective. My reason for going and standing behind him was because the detective beside me had died, and a sniper was used to kill him. I checked my surroundings and Magafe was holding a sniper. This made me suspicious of him, so I went to go watch him. When he started shooting at someone else it solidified my suspicions so I killed him.
  7. The point is that logs arent perfect i guide myselft by what you said and Magafe said then check logs,i can see if Magafe was shooting AT someone i just saw magafe shots and then you kill him,for what magafe told me he did nothing traitorous so thats the reason i slayed you.
  8. Carson

    Carson Member

    Well I had told you that he was shooting at someone, but you did not question him if those shots he was firing were at anyone. Also, even firing straight up into the air is considered traitor baiting, which is KOSable.
  9. I cant see where he shot,i did ask him and as i said logs arent perfect.
  10. PixelAura

    PixelAura VIP

    You cant get slayed for shooting someone that is shooting a detective. It happened to me yesterday on dust. I killed someone that was shooting a det and another det killed me for it.
  11. The detective probably didn't see the guy kill the detective, and then of course he kills you seeing you killing another guy.
    This game revolves a lot around what one sees, not what actually happens. If it from your perspective looks like someone is killing a guy running out of a room, you kill the guy who is shooting him. You couldn't know that the guy you saved killed the detective in there.
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If I see any reports of someone shooting and then being killed and I'm not directly witnessing where they are shooting I explain that I can't issue a slay because it becomes an issue of he said, she said; your words vs. his.
  13. Angelx

    Angelx Always Innocent VIP

    Shooting is kosable just for your information, even if it never did any damage to anyone. It's t baiting.
  14. Ph4ntom

    Ph4ntom Serious Member

    Well, it can be counted as T-baiting only if they are shooting near someone, but if they're shooting the ground nowhere near anyone, you can't kill em' for that.
  15. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    So in the end, it's as MangoTango says.
  16. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    I will be investigating the logs at the time you have stated.
  17. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

  18. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    According to the logs, Magafe never shot anyone and all that was shown is Carson killing him.

    So just to recapitulate, Carson killed Magafe for shooting at someone/t-baiting. That is fine, you should not have been slain Carson.
    Also, why did you(Magafe) file a report if you knew you were traitor baiting?
  19. ComPeter

    ComPeter VIP

    He admitted to shooting towards his traitor buddy in order to seem innocent by shooting at a traitor. Also, Carson could not have known he was shooting at a traitor, unless there was a KOS on the person he was shooting. That is why you call a KOS, if you are shooting at someone in order to let fellow innocents know that you are not doing something traitorous. In Carson's point of view, Magafe was traitor baiting.
  20. Magafe

    Magafe Banned

    Well, I was acting like I was helping Carson kill the guy who was sniping him then he killed me but said dont slay him after I found that it was my old friend Carson on another server
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