SeriousTTT map pack

Discussion in 'Maps' started by IAmGiygas, May 27, 2014.

  1. IAmGiygas

    IAmGiygas VIP

    We need a place where we can download all the latest SeriousTTT maps. I just got my computer back from the shop, OS reinstalled and now I have to wait for every single map to install at every map change and sometimes they don't install so I have to go online, find them, and download them. Why do all of that when we could just have a repository or something with a collection of the maps?
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  2. +1
  3. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    I have suggested to @Highwon before about the possibility of making one great big pack for SeriousTTT so that new people can pre-download everything and be able to get on the server faster. Not sure if he saw the suggestion though.
  4. Chii

    Chii Seriously a Baka VIP

    that could be good, but what if we change the maps? xD
  5. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Removing and Adding stuff from a Steam Workshop collection is easy :p I assume thats what the suggestion is?
  6. Chii

    Chii Seriously a Baka VIP

    wouldn't they have to re download the new map pack every time?
  7. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    No, if there are any changes to the addons you download for GMod, they auto download and update them in steam.
  8. Sayshal

    Sayshal VIP

    One for maps, special textures and anything else would be nice. Missing textures? Patch it here! Don't like long downloads? Here's all our maps!

  9. Chii

    Chii Seriously a Baka VIP

    Oh wow thats handy ^^