Answered Serious TTT Pointshop

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by FrostedBlade, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    Hi guys, I am new to this sort of thing, maybe one of you can help me out. My question is in regards to the Serious TTT pointshop. Is it custom made, or is it an addon that any servery out there can use? Im asking in reference to the tabs of the pointshop (such as loadout, lottery, upgrades, etc...), and the general layout that it has on the weapons tab. It just looks really nice and clean, and when I tried to make my own server for just a few friends, I had ulx pointshop, which just looks terrible in comparison. So my final question the pointshop that Serious TTT uses available to anyone who wants to make a server, or is it a custom made pointshop? Thanks in advance, and sorry if there is already a thread on this.
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 1
  2. Slap

    Slap Dont steal my cheerios VIP

    I know the server chooses whats on the point shop but im not sure if the actual point shop itself is custom or not, but you can get all the weapons, (m9k), skins, lottery is addons
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Change-up

    Change-up "Change is coming" VIP

    The pointshop itself is available for everyone, it is an addon you can get. Most of the items, weapons, models, etc, were added to the pointshop by Highwon. To add custom items, you must know the basics of lua coding.
    All of the guns and models are addons available for you to download. :)


    Have a nice day! :)
    • Useful Useful x 1