Denied sephr's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by sephr, Sep 30, 2017.

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  1. sephr

    sephr Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I accidentally crossfired someone while I was baiting as detective to get traitors to shoot back. I bought the person I damaged a health station, and they did not wish to report me. A traitor then killed both of us and killed him with a shot that would have killed him regardless of any damage whatsoever.

    The mod does not believe that I crossfired. Baiting as detective is a valid strategy as long as you don't damage people, which I admit I accidentally did. I had no intention on damaging the player that I accidentally crossfired, and I even tried to make amends by healing the player. The player understood this gesture. The mod doesn't see it that way yet they never even talked to the player I supposedly rdmed!

    This was number 3 in atlas's list of slays against me, and numbers 1 & 2 were an entire map ago. Also I wish to contest slay #1 as well.

    Reasoning: I GBA killed Jeff for watching his t buddy throw a frag grenade, but I was slain. Ask Jeff if he saw his t buddy throw a frag grenade.

    Also, isn't the mass rdm 3x slay designation for if someone rdms 3 times? I only have 1 slay that I'm not contesting, and all three accused rdms aren't even on the same map.​
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Ask Atlas for logs

    The last person I supposedly rdmed has no idea I was even banned for damaging them. If you ask them they will not wish to report me.​
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2017
  2. Timo654

    Timo654 EU BEST VIP Silver

    @Atlas banned you for Mass RDM (3x).
  3. (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一

    (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一 Always Gray ︻デ═一 VIP

    Hi there I am going to tag @Rawgah to answer this appeal first with his evidence for training reasons before I respond.
  4. Rawgah

    Rawgah Scrublord VIP

    Hiya I have seen this, please give me some time to gather my evidence. Thank you.
  5. iii

    iii eye-eye-eye or triple eye is fine VIP

    I do believe I am the player who Sephr is talking about, though as crossfire seems to only be so if you hit people while shooting someone with a valid reason I don't think this will change anything. That said, Sephr did indeed hit me while he was baiting.
  6. Rawgah

    Rawgah Scrublord VIP

    Hiya there @sephr thanks for taking time to appeal, lets get straight into this report.


    After this report I watched the
    to see what actions atlas did as you claimed in these screenshots he did.
    Next after this in report 2 which Atlas reported you, you claimed Tabraz had thrown the grenade and he was the one doing the traitorous actions. I then pmed you asking what traitorous actions had occurred. In your response you claim you saw Tabraz throw the grenade.
    After this I decided to see where Tabraz was and if he threw a grenade which he did not.
    Tabraz was also in the basement if you claim you saw him throw the gernade. As shown in this video.
    After all these accusations of who threw the grenade it was clear you do not know who threw the grenade in the scenario and your assumption of Jeff being GBA for seeing his T buddy throw a grenade is wrong as Jeff himself was the one who threw it but as you can see in these claims you do not know who threw it. Thus can not kill Jeff for GBA if you do not know if he even saw the traitorous action as you claim it came from other players which was wrong.


    This report was filed on you by Atlas after you had kosed him which you say in the report was a mistake as you meant to kos Tabraz as you say you saw him throw a grenade. This false kos led to his death that you did not call off which is RDM.

    As I said many times ingame as a Trial Mod I am instructed to report for any unreported damage regardless if a player didn't report it because of the possibility of a player not knowing who damage them. As I was looking through the logs of the rounds I had noticed small bits of damage you had done which I reported you for as you can see in these screenshots.


    Crossfire while shooting at the ground is not valid crossfire it is an accident that occurs and as such it was counted as Rdm however Atlas decided to get discretion for this RDM and did not slay you.


    A player may not know who damaged them and you claimed it was crossfire but after looking at the logs there was nothing you were shooting at such as a traitor at 0:07 seconds into the round for you to claim crossfire. Which is why I marked the report valid as RDM.
  7. (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一

    (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一 Always Gray ︻デ═一 VIP

    Hi there @sephr I banned you today for Mass Rdm (3x)

    [Little edit] Unreported damage is any damage that has not been reported by a player, it is the mods job to find and investigate this damage, if we are not able to find a reason for this damage we are to create a report to further investigate the damage. The damage can range anywhere from 1- ungodly amounts given from fall damage. To further explain the reason behind the ban is that any damage with no reason for it is rdm even if it is a missclick or an accident.

    Lets get right down into the dirty business of this.
    You first slay was not given out by myself but rather @Daddy Nexxus for you calling a false Kos on me.
    The second slay that was issued by myself was on the one you would like to contest on your Gba Kill on Jeff. Initially you claimed he was Gba with me stating "You watched your Traitor buddy Atlas kill people and did nothing" Now i dont have the damage logs from that round to prove i did not kill anybody but i have the recording. After i issued your slay you continued to argue it, At first it was myself who killed somone that he was gba with, then it was tybraz who was nowhere near the scene of the killing and then you claimed you didnt know who killed someone which just furthered the verdict that you did not know what was happening and made the kill of It's Jeff claiming Gba when you couldnt find a reason for this kill.

    After this you avoided your third slay when you picked up a weapon and accidently shot your detective buddy. Who did in fact forgive you for this incident.
    With this discretion I warned you that your next case of Rdm will be a 1 day ban.

    Now for the report that lead to your ban.
    In this report you claimed that you had crossfired while T baiting. While yes T baiting is a valid way of of rooting out traitors you were shooting at windows and the seat in the train. The deathscene will confirm that there is no crossfire here. Here are a few snippits from the Extended rules regarding Crossfire and Tbaiting.
    The Key words in the crossfire claim is "Trying to damage another player" which you clearly had no intent of doing unless said player turned and started shooting back. The point I am trying to make is that you can not crossfire a floor or a window or a seat, this being said I belive I was in the wrong in searching for discretion for the report on you that you shot your detective buddy.
    In this deathscene you also hear that you Kos'd me again and if someone had damaged me before I had hit my kill bind so that I may investigate this report which would have made it a 5 day ban should anybody damage me, in which you are lucky this is a 1 day ban because as i hit my kill bind a shotgun shot blasted over my dead body causing no damage.

    So in conclusion:
    • I find that you have a poor grasp of the rules given these reports.
    • The Gba claim you were grasping at straws trying to make the report invalid when in reality you just made a bad kill, you had no idea what was happening in that scenerio.
    • You can not crossfire while intentionally shooting at the environment. While cross firing you need to have intent to damage another player.
    I find that you have a poor grasp on the rules and while i do not belive 2 of these 4 cases presented were with malice I will be DenyingThis ban appeal. Now this is only a local ban and you are free to play on any of our other servers. I would suggest going over the Extended rules which can be found Right Here

    Tagging @POP STAR to review his trial mods response.

    Appeal: Denied
    May the Force Be With You
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2017
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