Approved ScruffMcGruff's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ScruffMcGruff, Apr 16, 2017.

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  1. ScruffMcGruff

    ScruffMcGruff New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    First, I know I should not have left when I was slayed I was just mad because it was for a misunderstood reason. So I was detective and I saw this guy stand still for a long time, yes he could have been afk, but then he pulls out a malfunction pistol so I kill him and it turns out he was a traitor, then he reports me for rdm and I get slayed, even though he pulled it out, but in my response I said he then bought a traitor weapon so obviously that does not mean I saw him pull out a traitor weapon, but even when I tell the admin that I saw him with the malfunction pistol, the admin just denies it, so I get mad and leave.
    Evidence of Innocence:

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2017
  2. Salem

    Salem VIP

    Tagging @Chastity4lyfe as she's the mod who banned you for RDM and leave end offense.

    Please remain patient while waiting for a response
  3. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    Alright let's get this going.

    You were reported for RDMing a traitor:

    You claimed you saw him buying a traitor weapon, which just isn't possible since as an innocent you can't see what they are looking at. Based off your response, which is what we are trained to do, that's why I issued a slay. As I tried explaining this reasoning to you after issuing the slay, you become mad - as you stated above, and left.
  4. ScruffMcGruff

    ScruffMcGruff New Member

    First off i'm sorry for saying fuck you to you, and i'm not sure if I got the steam id right.
    Yes obviously you cant tell if someone is in the traitor menu, but I saw Meliodas pull out a malfunction pistol and I did not put that into my response because I thought saying he bought a traitor weapon would mean the same thing, obviously it was not very similar so you did not think that was what I meant. I then get slain and ask why, you then explain to me why I was slain, then you say I cant kill him when he is standing still, obviously that is not good evidence, but then I tell you he pulled out a malfunction pistol, but you say he didn't, I would like to know why you say he didn't when you were not there, so I get pissed off and left because you denied my claim without having been there to prove me wrong.
  5. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    Our servers allow staff to watch replays of deaths, including the events that lead up to it. The report on you came right at the end of the round, and I cant view any replays after the map changes.

    With that being said, I watched the DS (the replay)as quickly as possible before the map changed in order to see what happened leading up to you killing him. When I was viewing the DS, I was going off of what your response said. It wasn't until the next map that you tried giving more information in which case I didn't see in the replay.

    After reviewing the recordings I had, I missed the section at the last second of the player taking out a malfunction pistol(when the map was changing). So I did make the mistake of not properly asking you more information but again, we are trained to go off your response, in which case it was not a valid reason to kill someone.
  6. ScruffMcGruff

    ScruffMcGruff New Member

    Well is there any way to shorten my ban? I know this was a second offense so I don't expect that, but if its possible that would be great.
  7. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    Well due to my lack of communicatiom I am okay unbanning you and void it.

    Keep in mind, the first rdm&leave was also by me and was not appealed, so if you do leave again while slain, it will count as rdm&leave 2nd offense again.
  8. ScruffMcGruff

    ScruffMcGruff New Member

    That's great, thanks for your time.
  9. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    No problem, I will unban you tomorrow afternoon as I am not on a computer for the remainder of the night, but it just locally on west so you can still play other servers until then
  10. Chastity4lyfe

    Chastity4lyfe *Eye roll* VIP Silver

    @ScruffMcGruff I have unbanned you on west 1.

    Appeal: Approved
    Thread: Locked
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