Denied Sandbag's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Sandbag, Jul 15, 2015.

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  1. Sandbag

    Sandbag New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I admit I did things wrong, and I'm sorry. In a round, there was a KOS set on me for killing an RDMer and I got killed. I was fine and I just patiently waited for the next round. Then again, the RDMer comes and kills people, I kill him and I get killed again. I left the server because my game crashed, and as soon as I come back I'm banned for 24 hours. Then I went to the minecraft server with no staff on and I'd always get RDM'd. Then I lost it and went to servers to RDM everyone else 'till I was banned for 111 days. I'm sorry for my tantrum as I always played my matches normally until I was getting KOS'd and RDM'd for no reason and went crazy. I admit I did it by my own accord and won't make excuses so I'm sorry for ruining matches. I'd like to come back with my resolve stronger and I won't lose my temper again.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

  3. Sandbag

    Sandbag New Member

    I only RDM'd yesterday. The rest are accidents, I'm still fairly new to this.
    • This user has been warned for commenting on reports/appeals that do not involve him. If you are not a staff member, or directly involved with the appeal, DO NOT RE SPOND.
    Sandbag whether a Mass RDM was an accident or not it is still an accident that was done by you therefor it is still your fault. So when you say the other bans were accidents it does not take away from the fact that they are still against the rules and committed by yourself.

    (I know I'm not supposed to be posting on ban appeals but I'm just trying to help resolve the situation)
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2015
  4. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP


    Considering that you were globalized on 7/13/2015 it is a wonder how you were able to get back onto the servers and continue to do this. You also have been off on the servers for almost a year now.

    The staff involved will reply when they can. We thank you for your patience.
  5. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    Also @Svensk . I'm at work so I'll respond when I get home
  6. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Just a warning, we usually don't simply let breaking the rules slide because of unstable emotions. Mass RDMing on 4 different servers grants you the label of a toxic player, and I personally don't think that you should be forgiven.
  7. aco taco

    aco taco ghosts n' sharks VIP

    Hello there Sandbag, I hope that your day/night is going well!

    Lets break down your ban from me.

    Your first slay:

    You never responded to the report but seemed to be in-game and playing so I private messaged you asking by you killed "Yung Lean".
    You responded with this message:
    Seeing as there is no T room on Clue and you admitted to killing him off the suspicion/thought that he came out of the T room I slayed you.

    Your second slay:

    You were reported for this offense of RDM and you responded with a blank response, I asked you about it and you never gave me a response, I then slayed you for this offense of RDM.
    Your third slay:

    I then private messaged you to figure out why you shot DanishWaffles in the first place. You told me that it was because he shot you but in the logs it showed no incident of "DanishWaffles" shooting you and only "Cimag the unicorn" shooting you prior to you damaging "DanishWaffles", seeing as it was your 3rd offense of RDM, I banned you for Mass RDM (3+). Unfortunately, I am going to deny your appeal for your ban on West 1.

    Thanks for appealing and I will leave it up to the rest of my fellow staff members to explain their ban and for the final decision to be made.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2015
  8. Sandbag

    Sandbag New Member

    Please, I've been addicted to TTT and I don't want to be labeled "toxic". I only ask to be forgiven this once.
  9. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    After investigating, @Nena is the administrator who globalized your ban, and will respond to this appeal at her nearest convenience.

    Note to staff: When overwriting a karma ban, please make sure to add something that recognizes you being the banner. There are multiple instances of bans not having a banner in this user's admin stats.
  10. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    Hey there Sandbag here are the three instances that lead to your ban
    For none of the reports did you ever actually respond, even after forcing them on you multiple times.
    For the first two I recall you said you hadn't shot anyone with a rifle over voice chat, when you had, as you had killed one person then shot another with it.

    Personally I'd advise denying the appeal as Sandbag got five mass RDM bans in under a week. Seems to be a clear pattern here.

    Here are the adminstats when I banned him yesterday, all the bans this year had names attached to them at that point. Seems this would also apply to extending any ban where the ban is by "CONSOLE" as well since after the extension it still showed it was by "CONSOLE".
  11. POP STAR

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Greetings Sandbag,

    I hope you're having a lovely day! I do not have logs to provide for you for your referencing pleasure, as you should already be aware of what occurred with my ban for you. You RDM'd a player a previous round and thought your slay was un-just therefore you decided to RDM and kill three other players next round without merit. Not only that, but you had a very Jerk-like mentality when I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm afraid you won't be unbanned in regards to my ban for you.

    Fond Regards,

  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Hello Sandbag,

    As you can see on your stats, you were karma banned on EU prior to me coming onto the server and seeing your multiple instances across multiple rounds of RDM. Now, granted that your Mass RDM ban from me should be Mass RDM x4 w/o Staff, but I wasn't only in the middle of banning you, but grabbing evidence of your RDMs, requesting for your extension, and handling reports in game; I'm currently working so I will have to upload my evidence when I get home.

    However, your admission of guilt shows how much of a "break" you needed from our servers. Just because you're being RDM'd, doesn't give you the excuse to RDM on one server, let alone multiple servers.

    Please consider our standpoint on this. Having a toxic player on our servers that decides to Mass RDM ruins the environment of other players and not only ruins our server populations, but also ruins our server's reputation. I know it certainly look good for our servers to let a Mass RDMer go ahead and Mass RDM across multiple servers in such a short time and get away with only standard, single bans.

    In closing, if you ever get RDM'd in the future, you can report it here on the forums or ask for staff to come to the server you're on by using the shoutbox. As far as your ban goes on EU, it is denied and I'll be posting the evidence when I get off work.

    Thank you for understanding.
  13. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    As listed from above, your appeal will be denied. Please take your time to understand our rules, getting so many bans within few days shall not be tolerated.
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