Denied Safodo's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Safodo, Nov 29, 2016.

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  1. Safodo

    Safodo New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Yesterday I was playing and I got slay so I waited for slay. When I got this slay I left the game. Today I want play and I couldn't because I have a ban don't even know for what ;(
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    You were banned by @Dani for RDM and Leave, sixth offense. It was G&E by @ryan4win . Please be patient as they collect their evidence.
  3. Dani

    Dani Impersonating Staff Banned VIP

    Hello! I banned you for RDM and leave because you were slain and then you left during your slay. Here's proof of this:

    The first picture has the report you got slain for. The second picture is proof that you left while slain. What you can also see on the second picture (coincidentally) is that @Thistle , the person who issued the slay, left right before you did. This means that we also need @Thistle to tell us his side of the story so we can clear this up.

    In your original post, you said "I got slay so I waited for slay."
    I feel like I have to clear something up.
    When you get slain, you have to stay for the entire duration of your slay. This means that you get slain at the beginning of a round, and then you wait for the whole round in which you are dead by being slain, and you can finally leave when the round ends. If you can't remember this, think of it like this: The act of getting slain is like getting arrested, and waiting for the round to be over is like serving your prison sentence. Since you didn't "serve your sentence" and "broke out", you got banned.
  4. News Network

    News Network broken VIP


    Dani has pretty much covered the majority of the needed information for this report, here's the logs to go with the report:
    This screenshot clearly shows that you had some involvement in the damage of that player. I did view the deathscene at the time and I thought I had a recording of it however, it seems my shadowplay has bugged and the recording of the deathscene has turned out like this

    I had left shortly after, it seems you left without serving your slay too. I would just like to reinstate what @Dani has already said here; you have to stay until the round is completely over when you have been slain. You can always ask a staff member if it's safe to go before you do leave. Although I did make the initial report, it is @Dani who actioned it by banning you when you had left. Therefore, I'll leave the final verdict up to him.

    Take care,
  5. Dani

    Dani Impersonating Staff Banned VIP

    I will have to deny your appeal. Usually, I'm willing to forgive people if there was a misunderstanding or if they absolutely had to leave, but this is already your sixth offense, and I think it's pretty clear that you should know what you are doing by now.

    I will keep the thread open in case @ryan4win has anything to add.
  6. ryan4win

    ryan4win I was supposed to do great things VIP Silver

    Dani and Thistle have both provided their evidence and it all checks out.

    With that said, I will lock this thread. In the future make sure to be more careful before leaving a server.
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