Approved Running with Scissors's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Running with Scissors, Feb 1, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Running with Scissors
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    First off I would like to apologize to Butterfly who I wrongfully shot because I got bored. I think I should be unbanned because SeriousTTT is the only server I actively return to on a daily basis also it was my first offense ever on the server and I regret shooting Butterfly but I did serve the slay that Butterfly issued to me after I shot him but after the slay I warned him that I really had to go and had to go now and I tried to return this morning only to find I have a 5 day ban for 1 RDM. Feel free to message me on steam or email me about this situation.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    @BeautifulButterfly will respond at his earliest convenience since he was the one that banned you for RDM & Leave.
  3. BeautifulButterfly

    BeautifulButterfly Float like a butterfly VIP

    Hello @Running with Scissors ,

    I did indeed ban you for RDM and Leave First Offense after you shot me randomly on the map 67thway. I distinctly remember you asking me to remove the slay the following round and kick you instead because you had to leave. I would suggest clarifying you time table before RDMing, as punishments are non-negotiable for mods. That being said, if you come onto East 2 and serve your slay, I will unban you. Please accept my friend request to coordinate.
  4. BeautifulButterfly

    BeautifulButterfly Float like a butterfly VIP

    Player has served his slay, been unbanned, and this ban appeal is completed.
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