Rule to be possibly added to MOTD

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by Carned, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    KOSing on upgrades, now this might seem stupid but im finding myself getting killed a lot because of the upgrades i have.

    Example: Triple Poon - Anyone who has this upgrade and is playing with people who don't know my pain.

    If you're even in a room with a triple poon or if someone see's you run away but doesn't catch your name people always work out from who in the server list has triple harpoon.

    I feel this should work the way as skins, whats the point in buying an upgrade if it puts you at a disadvantage?
  2. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    People shouldn't be KOSing for that anyways, if they are make a RDM report and inform the staff members, i agree this should be added to the MOTD as well just like the no KOSing on Skin rules.
  3. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    I heard that when upgrades were first implemented Highwon got KOSed whenever someone saw a triple harpoon because nobody else could buy it :lol: . Well id have to agree with this. There should be something in the MOTD that states that a KOS on a model, non traitor weapon, location, or upgrade is not an actual KOS and that it would be RDM to follow it.
  4. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    Its the main reason I only use the default skin and never cross the beam of my own tripmines. Too many people like to call you out on things like that. I have had people scream rdm because someone saw them safely cross a tripmine because they had the upgrade to do so and got killed for it. Personally though I am kind of up in the air about this. While it does tend to work against you in some scenarios, the upgrades can also be toggled off so I personally don't see it as rdm as it is something optional. Kind of like using the traitor weapons. You can use them and be KOS'd if seen with them, but you are not forced to use them. You could just as easily give your credits to a T buddy and go around with a regular weapon and kill people.
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    So you wouldn't KOS someone who walked through a trip mine that didn't explode?
  6. shadowdragoon66

    shadowdragoon66 hic sunt draconis VIP

    I would, but the idea that they could then turn around and cry rdm seems a bit much to me. As I said before, they are willingly using an upgrade associated with a traitor weapon therefore I don't think it should be considered rdm.
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I think what they are trying to say is that they shouldn't use process of elimination to determine who used the upgrade. Then again, all upgrades can be disabled so it would be the same as player models. The only catch is that seeing someone with the upgrade actually using it, like the trip mine, and using process of elimination to determine the person with the upgrade would be hard to put into the MOTD because you can't just say that you cannot KOS on upgrades. It's the same as seeing a person using a health station and then watching the next person come up and try to use it and it explodes; I would call that out.
  8. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    i don't agree with doing this soley due to the fact that as an innocent several times, the hitbox doesn't register and i have gone through tripmines.
  9. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    I've had that happen to me as well lol. When I was newer to the server, I killed an innocent for walking through a trip mine. I wasn't slain for it, because my line of thinking was correct. I notice there is an upgrade to let traitors walk through their tripmines and then see someone walk through one? Oh, they must be a traitor.
  10. if you have any traitor weapon other than detective (obv not a traitor so if he picked it up its moot) but its considered traitorous to have a traitor weapon cus no one can be 100% sure you ACTUALLY got it from killing a T. it is in the rules. but since some say what upgrades they have it SORTA can give a hint to suspicion but then dont tell people what upgrades you have. one person always mentions they have upgraded flair gun so if someone is hit and has 70 health left then you almost know it was that person that shot him with the flare lol. but everyone can get that upgrade so you cant and shouldnt actually KOS for it, you should tho perhaps stay away from them if you are innocent lol
  11. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Here's how I see it:
    • If someone kills you for your harpoon or whatever upgrade you had, and their reason is along the lines of "they're the only one with the upgrade online - that's a slay. It was a clearly a kill on suspicion because any other player could have the upgrade and they not know about it

    On the flip side however:
    • If someone kills you for your harpoon or whatever upgrade you had, and their reason says they saw you use it(throw it, plant it, etc.) even if they didn't, you can't really slay them unless you find a loophole in what they said.

    That's just the way I see things.

  12. like those I agree, i mean if you see the guy walk thru it, its eaither his or fellow T, so OBV if you are not allowed to kill based on that, when You are 100000000000% sure its a t you have to wait til they one shot kill you before saying anythign? lol

  13. yeah, or like seeing someone walk thru a trup mine wire lmao
  14. FurryKats

    FurryKats VIP

    Agree'd people shouldn't even be KOSing on this, it's the same as KOSing on skins, wheres common sense... oh wait it's gmod lol.

    Anyways, yeah I agree to add it.
  15. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    The problem is that people would complain with this if you said "no kosing on upgrades" because it would be a blanket statement. I would fully expect to be KOS'd if some watched a health station where I was healing and then seeing that same station blow up when the next confirmed innocent uses it; the same would apply if I walked through my t buddy's trip mine.

    The problem is that you can't put a blanket statement out for upgrades because some you can KOS a person for having them; like walking through a trip mine.

    My advice to any staff is to explain that, unless you see them using that upgrade you cannot kill them because you think(aka suspect) they're the only one with the upgrade.

  16. Perfectly said.

    Signed. Sealed. Delivered.