RPGs Playstyle

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Smash, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    This is a very general thread, mainly due to the fact that I'm rather curious how other people play games like Fallout and Elder Scroll games.

    Q: How do you prefer to go about quests?
    Personally I tend to just wander around near the main story picking up side quests along the way and finishing things in random orders. However, once I get to the point where I feel I'm near the end of the story I will usually start looking for side quests and faction quests to do.

    Q: What type of character do you like to play?
    In the ES games I've always started with a stealth character but ended up doing just about every character I could.
    I haven't played enough Fallout to decide what I really prefer, I've always been big into Bethesda games but Fallout never really jumped at me for some reason.

    Q: Do you play the game vanilla before modding, or even mod at all?
    I played Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3 on my xbox before I had a good enough PC to play them with mods. Now I've played through Skyrim fully twice after spending 8+ hours modding it and making it just the way I wanted it. I'm planning on doing that same thing for Fallout 3 and NV over the next few weeks.

    Q: What's your favorite RPG that you've played too this day, MMO, Action or otherwise.
    A tie between Oblivion and Skyrim.

    That's it for now, I'm sure more will come to me later but until then you can answer these questions or ask your own!

    Q: How do you prefer to go about quests?

    Q: What type of character do you like to play?

    Q: Do you play the game vanilla before modding, or even mod at all?

    Q: What's your favorite RPG that you've played too this day, MMO, Action or otherwise.
  2. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    Q: How do you prefer to go about quests?
    I just look around for interesting places and talked to people. I followed the main story when I first played.
    Q: What type of character do you like to play?
    I like onehanded classes in skyrim. I usually made a one hand/stealth or a spellsword or one handed healer. I've probably messed around with every build possible from lich king (heavy armor and necromancy) to an imperial pacifist.
    Q: Do you play the game vanilla before modding, or even mod at all?
    Originally played it on xbox and then modded the shit out of it when I got legendary edition on pc.
    Q: What's your favorite RPG that you've played too this day, MMO, Action or otherwise?
    Elder Scrolls: V
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  3. Alpha Wolfy

    Alpha Wolfy Nocturnal VIP

    Q: How do you prefer to go about quests?

    -I usually go onto to do other sidequests that result in rewards like new equipment, money or higher ranking.

    Q: What type of character do you like to play?

    - I am most likely to be either a ranged or Mage character.

    Q: Do you play the game vanilla before modding, or even mod at all?

    - I play the game first then mod it.

    Q: What's your favorite RPG that you've played too this day, MMO, Action or otherwise.

    -Chrono Trigger, hands down
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  4. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Q: How do you prefer to go about quests?
    Usually like to pick them up and do them as and when i feel like.
    Q: What type of character do you like to play?
    Usually a mixture of Magic and Melee. I also like to collect shit & in MMO's to look fabulous. Or in a story driven RPG, like the Witcher, i will match my actions to those of how the character would act.
    Q: Do you play the game vanilla before modding, or even mod at all?
    Older games : Mod the shit out of. Newer Games : Use mods for tweaks
    Q: What's your favorite RPG that you've played too this day, MMO, Action or otherwise.

    Witcher 3, nothing is better.
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  5. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    Q: How do you prefer to go about quests?
    • I usually follow the main storyline, and any side quests I find I complete them as I go until I'm done. I guess it's done kind of linearly?
    Q: What type of character do you like to play?
    • Using Skyrim as an example, I tend to go for the generic strength/warrior types as it's easier to start with in most game. I then usually try the archery/bow types, stealth,thieves, and then move on to the mage/magic types.
    Q: Do you play the game vanilla before modding, or even mod at all?
    • This one is a little harder to choose. I usually do play it vanilla and rarely go back to playing it with mods. With Skyrim I started off vanilla, but then got curious about mods and continued on with them.
    Q: What's your favorite RPG that you've played too this day, MMO, Action or otherwise.
    • I think I would have to say Diablo 3. This was the the first time in a long time I played anything from this series. Adding to the fact that I got to play with some friends, it was a fun time.
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  6. Pandora?

    Pandora? Alcoholic in Training VIP Silver

    Q: How do you prefer to go about quests?
    I always end up trying to finish each and every side-quest I can do before advancing further into the story.
    Q: What type of character do you like to play?
    I generally like ranged and mage/magic characters.
    Q: Do you play the game vanilla before modding, or even mod at all?
    I have a bad habit of deciding to mod first.
    Q: What's your favorite RPG that you've played too this day, MMO, Action or otherwise.
    Torchlight II (don't have much steam hours because I always played on a friend's account before I learned of family sharing)
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  7. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Q: How do you prefer to go about quests?

    I rarely stop to do side quests unless the game rewards you well enough for doing them. I like progressing through the story of an RPG, assuming there is a solid story to follow.

    Q: What type of character do you like to play?

    It really depends on the options available in the game, though my choice usually ends up being a class for burst damage. I love tearing things down as fast as I possibly can. It can be either a magic-based class or a fast-moving melee-based class.

    Q: Do you play the game vanilla before modding, or even mod at all?

    I haven't really played an RPG that can be modded but I certainly wouldn't say no if I found some spare time.

    Q: What's your favorite RPG that you've played too this day, MMO, Action or otherwise.

    I'll always be able to go back to RuneScape, I've played it on and off since 2008, and it was my favorite game for years on end. In more recent times though, I think the title would go to either Echo of Soul or Aura Kingdom, two very well-made AMMORPGs.
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  8. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    Q: How do you prefer to go about quests?
    I am obsessively completionist, to the point of being that annoying guy who got the pink tail.

    Q: What type of character do you like to play?
    If I can, high damage, shooty, fireballs, destruction, relying on strategy and/or player skill to mitigate damage if at all.

    Q: Do you play the game vanilla before modding, or even mod at all?
    Except for TES games, always vanilla. The 3-4 of you who know me well know *exactly* how I'd mod a game though. ;D

    Q: What's your favorite RPG that you've played too this day, MMO, Action or otherwise.
    By time spent, Guild Wars 2 or Morrowind. Favorite... probably FF1, Warsong (arguably RPG,) or Chrono Trigger. Yeah, the rose-colored lenses are lovely with me.
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